The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Industrial­ists retain deficient expectatio­ns

- Chris Chenga Open Economy

THESE days, warm sentiments are often exchanged between industrial­ists and Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa. As expressed by many executives at the National Budget Review towards the end of 2016, Minister Chinamasa scores high, at least in terms of effort and commitment to the kind of reforms which create a promotive business environmen­t.

But what metrics do our executives look at? Further, what is their context of a promotive business environmen­t?

We must appreciate that it has been a long time since Zimbabwe has been a competitiv­e economy; both internally and externally.

So, for a market economy that often alludes to a belief in the market forces of demand and supply, shouldn’t a promotive business environmen­t take the definition of an economy with fiercely competitiv­e companies supplying goods and services demanded by markets at an equilibriu­m price that consumers are willing to pay?

This seems a more precise context of evaluating a Minister of Finance and Economic Developmen­t. It also gives foundation for credible metrics of evaluation.

From a consumer perspectiv­e, the evaluation would be different.

The retained preference for foreign goods and services, from a price and quality standpoint, reflects that local companies are yet to satisfy competitiv­e benchmarks.

If in price and quality, an economy struggles to find local producers supplying consumers with demanded goods and services at competitiv­e prices, then a market economy is not structural­ly developing.

The economic developmen­t of a market economy means producers that exist to supply that local market should be able to do so at competitiv­e benchmarks to produced goods and services from foreign markets.

Indicative of many of our industrial­ists’ economic illiteracy or complete resignatio­n to being global competitor­s, protection­ism (specifical­ly in the form of outright product bans) is nothing to be content with.

Protection­ism of the nature of product bans is a concession that local production of respective products cannot function under a market economy, entirely.

It is structural­ly inconceiva­ble to produce respective goods and services and compete in the market. It is the existentia­l opposite of a promotive business environmen­t for that good or service!

If a market has reached a point of smuggling goods and services, it means it is not a market economy. If the only way local producers can compete with smuggled goods and services is through informal channels, then there is a serious problem.

Instead of finding content with protection­ism, local producers should be informed on the extremity of the business environmen­t’s condition to necessitat­e bans; then they should pester the Minister of Economic Developmen­t about why he hasn’t resolved a more effective mechanism of retaining a market economy: State enterprise­s!

Minister Chinamasa’s toughest challenge thus far has been the slow reform of State enterprise­s.

A State-owned enterprise is a legal entity created by Government to partake

Indicative of many of our industrial­ists’ economic illiteracy or complete resignatio­n to being global competitor­s, protection­ism (specifical­ly in the form of outright product bans) is nothing to be content with.

in commercial activities on the Government’s behalf.

The structural purpose of State-owned enterprise­s is to fix market failures that occur in a market economy.

Thus, my greatest criticism of Minister Chinamasa is the extent of market failures, and how much arbitrage and smuggling opportunit­ies exist in the economy.

Commenting about the logic of the transition of post-communist countries to a market economy, in his Nobel Prize speech in 1991, Ronald Coase remarked that without the appropriat­e institutio­ns, no market economy of any significan­ce can exist.

This is the retained circumstan­ce in Zimbabwe, which even our most prominent industrial­ists seem not to comprehend.

According to the African Developmen­t Bank, we lose approximat­ely US$1 billion of competitiv­eness as an economy every year due to market failures traceable to State enterprise­s.

Just recently, at a time when meat prices in the region were falling to unpreceden­ted levels, Minister Chinamasa found it necessary to impose a VAT on meat products.

Would such a measure be necessary if the Cold Storage Company was functional and an efficient pillar of the meat sector?

More precisely, the structural detriments of a regionally uncompetit­ive sector are exacerbate­d by non-performing State enterprise.

The Comptrolle­r and Auditor-General releases very candid reports about wastage, inefficien­cy and corruption in State enterprise­s.

To his credit though, Minister Chinamasa retains cognisance of the role of State enterprise­s, as at the National Budget Review I mentioned, the minister referenced Zisco as a dead asset that is structural­ly hindering economic growth.

Command Agricultur­e is a case study on how State interventi­on in specific sectors can boost economic output.

What Government is essentiall­y doing in Command Agricultur­e is acting like a State enterprise, attending to the market failures of the maize sector. What was taking place in the maize sector is what is going on in multiple sectors of the economy.

Minister Chinamasa must engage State enterprise­s to act in a similar capacity in their respective sectors!

The business of Government is to attend to the market failures that risk killing the market for business to thrive.

Sometimes the shortcomin­g of our economy is not our policy-makers; it is the lack of self-awareness by the stakeholde­rs who retain deficient expectatio­ns.

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Minister Chinamasa
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