The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

African creators of religion, civilisati­on

- Ibo Foroma Rastafaria­n Perspectiv­es

THE oldest remains of mankind were discovered in modern Ethiopia whose ancient name is Ta-netjer/Ta-netJah meaning “Land of the Gods”.

Therefore, with all human genes literary copied henceforth, Ethiopians created the human race.

Not only that, black Ethiopians also pioneered and advanced the foundation­s of culture, religion, language, tool making, manipulati­ng fire, the wheel, clothing, cooking, taming plants and animals(agricultur­e), mining, arts, sports, sciences, pseudo-sciences, reading, writing, mathematic­s, kingship, governance, music, measuring time, astronomy/astrology, marriage, family structure, social hierarchy, trade, management of scarcities(economics), etcetera.

In short, all being fully expanded chapters, Indus Khamit-Kush (2000) declares: “The world’s earliest Messiahs were Black,” “Buddha was Black,” “Lao Tse the Founder of Taoism was Black,” “Moses was Black,” “Jesus Christ was Black,” etc.

Cheikh Anta Diop in, “Origin of Ancient Egypt” articulate­s: “More than 150 000 years ago, beings morphologi­cally identical with the man of today were living in the region of the Great Lakes at the sources of the Nile and nowhere else.”

Then these Nubians mass emigrated to occupy and colonise lower lands now called Egypt.

Wherever Ethiopian/Egyptian religion/civilisati­on/culture went, the following attributes followed: (1) the practice of mummificat­ion, (2) the winged disc with a pair of serpents, (3) use of incense and libations, (4) wanderings of the dead and its adventures in the underworld, (5) building of megalithic monuments, (6) hi/stories of the deluge, (7) divine origin of kings, (8) practice of circumcisi­on, (9) tattooing, massaging, piercing ear lobules, scarificat­ions; (10) phallic ideas and symbolism, (11) beliefs regarding the ‘heavenly twins’; (12) the sun’s disc equipped with hawks wings, (13) special appreciati­on of precious stones and metals, (14) terraced irrigation, (15) the institutio­n of secret societies, (16) the making of rock-hewn temples and stone tombs and (17) general belief in God/s.

With aid from Moses, an Egyptian educated in all Egyptian knowledge, Israel became a nation in Egypt. “Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds.” (Acts 7:22)

Hebrews and their “copied scriptures” originate from “The sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, Put, and Canaan. And the sons of Cush, Seba, and Havilah, and Sabta and Raamah and Sabtecha.” (1 Chronicles 1:8-9)

Mitzram/Mizraim/Misraim is Egypt hence both Egypt and Cush derive from Ham/Kam/Kham (pure black race), Put/Phut and Cannan/ Kanaan/Chanaan (Phoenicia) too.

From the Eastern Cushites (original Arabians) originates: the Ad/ Adites, the notorious Garden of Adan/ Aden/Eden, and the mystical Adlantis/Atlantis. When Africa used to be called (Eastern) Ethiopia/Aithiopia, the Atlantic Ocean was called the Ethiopian Ocean, only to be changed when Africans were subdued by Europeans.

This intentiona­l/internatio­nal confusion resulted in the misplaced mid-atlantic-ocean-island/continent-claimed-to-originate-civilisati­on myths whose geography does not account for the jig-saw fitting of continents Africa/Ethiopia and America/ Amherica/Amharica again ancient Ethiopian domain.

Egyptians originate from ancient Nubia of the Noba people of History and Moses had a Kushite/Ethiopian/ Nubian wife, Zipporah (Exodus 2:21, 4:25, 18:2). Zipporah was one of the seven daughters of Jethro aka Hobab/ Reuel, a Kenite shepherd who was a priest of Midian/Median.

In the Druze religion, Jethro is revered as the spiritual founder, chief prophet and ancestor of all Druze.

In “Moses and His Cushite Wife”, Neser FWC (2009) states: “Firstly, we need to understand that nations in Biblical times lived in different countries than today, due to mass migration. For example, the Egyptians of today are not the same Egyptians as in the days of Joseph. Also, in Moses’ day, there were two countries of Cush (or Ethiopia), one in Asia and one in Africa.”

This is the Western Ethiopia (Africa) and Eastern Ethiopia (Asia) from whence all religions and attributes of civilisati­on were created by the “Wonderful Ethiopians of The Ancient Cushite Empire” as expounded by Drusilla Dunjee Houston in that rightfully named work of wonder.

The longest verse in the Bible, Esther 8:9 (90 words, 426 letters) and Esther 1:1 testify of 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia under one Hamite/ Cushite/Ethiopian jurisdicti­on.

In these “copied Hebrew Scriptures” (or inherited from Kush, their ancestor/s) King Ahasuerus sat on the throne of his kingdom, in Shushan/ Susan.

The Jewish Encycloped­ia (1906) describes Shushan/Sushan/Susanas the “Ancient capital of Susiana or Elam, and the winter residence of the kings of Persia.”

Persia is named after Perseus the Ethiopian hero deified in Greek mythology and named after the constellat­ion Perseus. Ethiopian legends immortalis­ed in constellat­ions include Andromeda, Cepheus, Cassiopeia (Queen of Ethiopia) etc.

Not forgetting Atlas (Atlas/Adlas Mountains Mauritania/Morocco [land of Moors]) from whence originates the book of maps and charts’ name (atlas).

Therefore, Chaldeo-Egypto-Indo-Greco-Roman mythology is bulging pregnant with legendary Ethiopian deified characters (kings/queens/ heroes/heroines).

Rounding up, Houston (1926) concludes Ethiopians are the only truly autochthon­ous race: “Ptolemaic writers said that Egypt was formed of the mud carried down, from Ethiopia that Ethiopians were the first men that ever lived, the only truly autochthon­ous race and the first to institute the worship of the gods and the rites of sacrifice. Egypt itself was a colony of Ethiopia and the laws and script of both lands were naturally the same; but the hieroglyph­ic script was more widely known to the vulgar in Ethiopia than in Egypt.” (Diodorus Siculus, Book iii ch. 3)

References Khamit-Kush (2000), “What They Never Told You in History Class”

Cheikh Anta Diop, “Origin of Ancient Egypt”

Neser FWC (2009) “Moses and His Cushite Wife” The Jewish Encycloped­ia (1906) www.rastafarip­erspective­ or

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