The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

The graveyard of the indispensa­bles


SOUTH African businessma­n and socialite Kenny Kunene is known more for his high-roller lifestyle than for his political astuteness.

People know him better as the Sushi King, not because of the fact that he hit the big time in the seafood business, but because of the 2010 he ate the Japanese specialty off the body of a naked woman, a practice called “nyotaimori”.

But in recent years he has been trying to re model himself. He has ventured more actively into national politics and dabbled briefly with the Economic Freedom Fighters and then the Patriotic Alliance, where he was secretary-general.

Still, many people consider him a political lightweigh­t and nothing much by way of an ideologue. After all, this is the man who shunned a career as an English teacher and instead chose a life of crime that saw him incarcerat­ed between 1997 and 2003 after being convicted of running a Ponzi scheme.

And upon release he made his bones by marketing Gayton McKenzie, a former criminal who subsequent­ly styled himself as a motivation­al speaker and politician.

So very few people think of Kunene as a thinker and an articulato­r of ideas.

Which is why it appeared a bit desperateo­n the part of the Gupta-owned ANN 7 television station to call him in as a political analyst this past Friday.

The news station wanted him to comment on President Jacob Zuma’s Thursday midnight cabinet reshuffle in general, and more particular­ly on the dissent within the ranks about how Pr a vin Go rd han and company lost their jobs so unceremoni­ously.

But that’s the thing, isn’t it? Is there need for ceremony when a President exercisesa constituti­onal executive function of rearrangin­g his team so as to ensure the twin goals of achieving service objectives as well surround him/herself with trustworth­y individual­s?

Anyway, the debate as to whether President Zuma was right or wrong on his reshuffle is a matter for South Africans.

What is of interest here is King Kunene’s take on the whole matter of loyalty.

ANN7 wanted to know what Kunene thought about the reaction of those around President Z um a—among them very senior somebodies — who were openly criticisin­g their leader’s constituti­onally-empowered decision-making.

He said something to the effect that, “There are some people who think they are indispensa­ble. But the grave yards are full of these‘ indispensa­ble’ people. After you are appointed to an office, you can get sick, you candie ,, you can get re assigned, but the institutio­n carries on. No one is indispensa­ble.”

Is this a dumb, ex-con, “nyotaimori” practicing, limelight-loving socialite speaking? Is this message not a relevant one for Zimbabwe’ s notorious ly self-entitledpo­litical classes who think that they are untouchabl­e, that they can insult anyone and everyone, that they can pee on people’s faces and expect the masses to call it rain?

What some politician­s in Zimbabwe fail to see is that institutio­ns — which organisati­ons are the bureaucrat­ic, legalistic and rational expression of an underlying idea—are larger than individual­s.

And it is amazing that even whole professors of public administra­tion, who have in the past licked wounds while admitting that “he with the power to appoint also has the power to disappoint ”, fail to appreciate simple things that even a Sushi King knows as basics of politics.

Zimbabwe had Herbert Chitepo. It had Nikita Mangena. It had Jason Ziyapapa Moyo. It had Josiah Tongogara. It has a whole memorial for the Unknown Soldier.

Thousands upon thousands of braves were killed in the Second Chimurenga. We mourn them. We respect them eternal ly. We will never forget them. On April 18 and again in August we will hail their immeasurab­le contributi­ons to our revolution.

But the revolution did not stop because they were killed by a racist regime. The revolution could not be stopped. And in Zimbabwe, the idea of revolution is an institutio­n. It carries on regardless of casualties. We had Joshua Nkomo. We had Joseph Msika. We had Simon Muzenda. We had John Landa Nkomo. We grieved their deaths. We celebrated their lives. But we had to continue.

Like their colleagues who fell in the liberation struggle, they never dr ea mt they were indispensa­ble. They just wanted to play their part to make this a better country.So if the nation can lose people of such great standing, should it tremble at the thought of losing a cabal of self-importanta­nd counter-revolution­ary poseurs?

Zanu-PF had Edgar Tekere. It had Simba Makoni. It had Dumiso Dabengwa. It had Joice Mujuru. And what happened after they joined the graveyard of seemingly indispensa­ble politicos? Did life not go on? Ku ne ne’ sm es sage is straightfo­rward. Instead of focusing on an arrogant brand self-aggrandise­ment and engaging in flights of fancy that lead nowhere except to a perilous cliff, they should strive to get indispensa­bility by doing their jobs as honestly and diligently as possible.

The people have legitimate expectatio­nsof value for money for public funds; quality public services; creation of an environmen­t conducive to business and family life; and respect of their human dignity by holders of public office.

Perhaps the ongoing political upheavalsw­ill acquaint our political classes with both Kunene’s simple wisdom and the legitimate expectatio­ns of the people.

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