The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

‘Act on child issues now’

- Tanzikwa Guranungo

THE issue of sustainabl­e developmen­t for children in Africa continue to stick out like a sore thumb.

Most children in Africa face a myriad of problems such as abuse, early marriages, drug abuse, forced labour, traffickin­g and prostituti­on.

Ironically, Zimbabwe last week joined Africa in commemorat­ing the Day of the African Child under the theme “Accelerati­ng protection, empowermen­t and equal opportunit­ies towards fulfilling agenda 2030 for sustainabl­e developmen­t for children in Africa”.

This year’s commemorat­ions also marked the silver jubilee of the junior parliament whose opening coincides with the Day of African Child.

The theme has a lot of bearing in most African countries, which are failing to fulfil sustainabl­e developmen­t for children.

Zimbabwe and most African countries are signatorie­s to instrument­s that protect the girl child.

These include the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child which was adopted by the African Union in 1990 and enforced in 1991.

The Charter covers civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of children.

Article 21 of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child makes specific references to harmful social and cultural practices.

It states that member countries shall take all appropriat­e measures to eliminate harmful social and cultural practices affecting the welfare, dignity, normal growth and developmen­t of the child.

It further states that child marriages shall be prohibited and effective action, including legislatio­n, shall be taken to specify the minimum age of marriage as 18 and make registrati­on of all marriages in an official registry compulsory.

But in Zimbabwe, we still hear and see young girls being married before they reach the age of consent with those behind such acts roming freely.

Young girls are dropping out of school because of early marriages.

The country has laws such as the Children’s Act (Chapter 5:06), the Criminal Law (Codificati­on and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23 and the Domestic Violence Act (Chapter 5:16) which deal, in one way or the other, with the rights and welfare of children.

In addition, the Constituti­on of Zimbabwe also provides for the protection of fundamenta­l human rights and freedoms for all Zimbabwean, children included.

On the internatio­nal arena, Zimbabwe is party to a number of instrument­s that protects the rights of children.

Therefore, the Constituti­on of Zimbabwe should be read in conjunctio­n with the following:

◆ United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocol on the sale of children.

◆ Child prostituti­on and Child Pornograph­y, the African Charter on the rights and Welfare of the Child

◆ Convention on the Eliminatio­n of all forms of Discrimina­tion against Women. In order fulfil the 2030 agenda for sustainabl­e developmen­t for children in Africa, there is need to harmonize laws with the national Constituti­on in order to make it easy to prosecute offenders.

The Constituti­on defines children as persons below the age of 18 years.

However, the Customary Act makes it difficult to handle child marriages.

The issues of child prostituti­on haunts Africa and the world.

Globally, it is estimated that about 10 million children under the age of 18 years participat­e in prostituti­on related activities.

Furthermor­e, United Nations statistics show that an estimated one million children are forced into prostituti­on every year.

According to the United Nations Children Rights Commission (UNCRC), and its Optional Protocol on the sale of Children, Child Prostituti­on and Child Pornograph­y prohibits “the act of obtaining, procuring or offering the services of a child or inducing a child to perform sexual acts for any form of compensati­on or reward.

However, an increasing number of Zimbabwean children are exposed to pornograph­ic material on social media or the internet.

The threat to morality has seen calls for Government to speed up the cyber-crime law becoming louder.

Therefore as we commemorat­e the Day of the African Child, it is high time we put our Government and other relevant stakeholde­rs to task.

It is time to move away from the habit of speeches without implementi­ng issues being raised by children and the youth.

There is need for the relevant ministry to accelerate harmonisat­ion and enactment of laws that protect the girl and boy child.

Children are calling for practicali­ties that will protect their wellbeing as they are leaders of tomorrow.

As such, there is need to embrace a participat­ory approach whenever Government is crafting policy or laws that affect the children. There is need to move away from the stereotypi­cal attitude of neglecting children in decisions that affect them.

In addition, there is need to educate communitie­s, especially on the rights and responsibi­lities of children.

Informatio­n is key in ensuring that child protection systems begin to function at grassroots level.

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