The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Readers' Views Police owe us an explanatio­n


THE so-called cases of bogus police officers setting up illegal roadblocks and committing robberies are on the rise.

But one is tempted to ask, where do they get the uniforms and ticket books?

I ask these questions because police have jurisdicti­ons and to think the so-called bogus police offers can operate for a week without being detected is unimaginab­le. In most cases we come across the same faces each day, then to be told they are bogus boggles the mind.

The motive of the roadblocks is unclear. For instance you get the same officers from Warren Park setting up a de facto toll gate every day in Rugare at the intersecti­on of Lyton and Douglas Roads.

The same is true for those officers along the Harare-Bulawayo highway as you get to and leave Kwekwe. I bet my last cent these officers have never impounded a single unroadwort­hy vehicle since January. Where vehicles are impounded it would be a matter of fixing the motorist.

ZRP uniform should never be allowed to be in wrong hands if we are to curb the unethical conduct of the police.

What happens to the uniforms of retired police officers and those who pass on?

As per our customs and traditions, are these not being given away to relatives of the deceased as part of the estate?

All those in possession of such uniforms must be made to hand them in.

Motorists are complainin­g of numerous roadblocks on our roads, how many of these roadblocks are genuine?

Senior police officers should ensure they deal with some of the officers we encounter on the roads with unpolished shoes, crumbled caps and creased gear.

This is unlike our immaculate men and women we expect to be in police uniforms. -

Thomas Murisa, Harare (Additional by The Sunday Mail)

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