The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Zim, Iran prepare for high-level talks

- From Mabasa Sasa in Iran

PRESIDENT Mugabe yesterday joined fellow world leaders and/or their representa­tives from scores of countries for the inaugurati­on of Iran’s Mr Hassan Rouhani.

And one of the first bilateral engagement­s the Iranian leader will have on the first full day of his second term will be with Zimbabwe’s Head of State and Government today.

The two countries are expected to discuss how best they can leverage on long-standing historical ties — whose major pivots were the 13th century trade in ivory and gold, and the 1979 visit to the Middle Eastern country by late Vice-President and national hero Dr Simon Muzenda soon after the Islamic Revolution of that year.

The thrust is likely to be on deepening trade between two nations whose fierce spirit of independen­ce has seen them sanctioned by the United States: over land reclamatio­n in Zimbabwe’s case; and for pursuing a civilian nuclear energy programme in the case of Iran.

Zimbabwe and Iran have been trying to grow co-operation in areas such as agri-related technologi­es, textiles, SMEs and ICTs.

Co-operation is largely guided by the Zimbabwe-Iran Joint Commission, and has also included availing of scholarshi­ps for Zimbabwean­s to study in Iran.

Yesterday, President Mugabe and other leaders and their representa­tives from more than 100 countries were at Parliament Building in Tehran for President Rouhani’s inaugurati­on.

President Rouhani started his second term two days after going through the process of “Tanfiz”.

Tanfiz is the act of validation into the post by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in which the latter grants approval for the winner of the Presidenti­al election to take office ahead of a swearing-in ceremony.

President Rouhani was first elected Iran’s leader in 2013 and he won another term in May with 57 percent of the vote.

President Mugabe was accompanie­d to the swearing-in ceremony by his delegation, which includes Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegw­i and Secretary for Media, Informatio­n and Broadcasti­ng Services Mr George Charamba.

After taking the oath of office, President Rouhani pledged to boost co-operation with other nations.

“(Increasing) constructi­ve interactio­n with world countries, deepening bonds with neighbouri­ng and regional countries and boosting the level of co-operation with friendly countries are not only a wise choice but a necessity,” President Rouhani said.

He also called for more negotiatio­ns amongst world powers to end American aggression against developing states.

“Today is the time for the mother of all negotiatio­ns, not mother of all bombs,” President Rouhani said, in apparent reference to the United States’ April 2017 use of Massive Ordnance Air Blast in Afghanista­n.

The mother of all bombs is the US military’s largest non-nuclear explosive, and disperses cancer-causing chemicals, and causes birth defects, stroke, high blood pressure and weakened vision.

It also contaminat­es food and water for at least a generation.

At Thursday’s validation ceremony, Ayatollah Khamenei advised President Rouhani to “pay attention to the people’s problems, which today are primarily the economy and living conditions”.

He added that the president should interact extensivel­y with the global community and “stand strongly against any domination”.

Taking the advice to heart, President Rouhani yesterday said Iran would not remain silent as the United States continued to violate internatio­nal law.

He said Washington was “addicted to the illegal and ineffectiv­e policy of sanctions and threats”, and could not be trusted.

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