The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)



OVER the past few days, the buzzword in opposition politics was“coalition ”.

Last year, around this same time, it was “grand coalition ”, and now the unholy alliance of small and fragmented political out fits has demo ted itself to just a“coalition ”.

When troubled MD C-T leader Mr Morgan Ts vang ira i—a former mine fore man signed a Memorandum of Understand­ing with National People’s Party head Dr Joice Mujuru a few months ago, the non-event was described in all superfluou­s adjectives.

We were told that something big was brewing in the country’ s political arena.

The“grand coalition” is about failed politician­s: Mr Ts vang ira i—who is sometimes referred to as Dr Ts vang ira ia lt hough little is known about academic achievemen­t — andDrMujur­u. Seeing thatZA NU-PF is gathering tens upon tens of thousands at Presidenti­al Youth Interface R allies, Mr Ts van girai railroaded his broke party into an alliance with political minnows in the form of M DC leader Professor Welsh man N cube, People’ s Democratic­Alliance president Mr Tend ai Bit ia nd Transform Zimbabwe’ s Jacob N ga riv hume.

The coalition is facing numerous challenges as some of Mr Ts vang ira i’ s lieutenant s are scared of losing their positions.

This probably explains why MD C-T deputypres­ident Ms Thok oz aniKhupe snubbed the coalition rally at Zimbabwe Grounds in High field yesterday.

One person who wishes to lead a big party like ZANU-PF is Dr, sorry, Mr Tsvangirai whose party’s property at Harvest House was attached to settle unpaid employment costs to former workers.

With all the confusion in the opposition parties, things are happening on the other side of town. Pity the so-called independen­t Press does not report such reality.

President Mug abe will hold the sixth interface rally in G wand a at the weekend.

As per norm, multitudes are expected to gather. But, still, to the independen­t Press, these numbers do not count.

They tried top layup DrNko san a Mo yo a couple of weeks back. But hey, where is the fellow now? Barely two months after joining the political fray, it seems everyone has forgottena­bout him and his Alliance for People’ s Agenda. Pity the same media that tried to venerate him has not real is ed that his politicalg­ame lacks thats park of“amado dasi bi li ”.

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