The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

A call from the open sky

- Tinashe Kusema

A call to the open sky has turned Tambwera’s head.

“Well, besides playing rugby I am also a trainee pilot at Guthrie Aviation and have every intention of becoming a profession­al airline pilot soon,” revealed the Sables and Old Georgians player.

“I have flown a few hours and have already started working on my private pilot’s licence. Once that is acquired the plan is to quit rugby and pursue my true passion.”

Tambwera, or LT as he is affectiona­tely known in rugby circles, is one of the most decorated rugby players of his generation, but there is a feeling that he hasn’t really lived up to expectatio­ns.

Tambwera broke onto the scene in Police Defenders colours in 2011 before attracting the interest of Harare Sports Club, from whom OGs snapped him up.

He has had stints in South Africa, with Sharks Academy and Valke, in-between his stints at Sports Club and OGs.

That Tambwera is talented is never in doubt but there are always questions over his fitness. Apparently, he cannot stay fit. A troublesom­e hamstring, and most recently a knee problem, has dogged his career over the last couple of years.

On the days he is fit Tambwera has also had the misfortune of living under the shadow of Sables vice-captain Tichafara Makwanya.

The two are regarded as the two best fly-halves in the country right now.

They divide opinion amongst fans and pundits alike.

However, the Sables coaches seem to prefer Makwanya in the number 10 position while deploying LT in one of the centre positions or at fullback.

Tambwera refuses to view Makwanya as competitio­n.

“T-Mak (Makwanya) is more of a mentor to me and I prefer to learn as much as possible from him rather than compete,” he said.

“I believe the team is much better when we are both on the park as there is a lot more variation. We complement each other very well.”

After several months on the sidelines Tambwera made his long-awaited return with a Cheetahs call-up last week but remains a major doubt for OGs’ opener in their SARU Gold Cup, against Raiderz, on Saturday.

“I can’t say I am back to full fitness, but I am feeling much better,” said Tambwera, who is with the Cheetahs at the Lusaka Sevens tournament in Zambia.

LENIENCE TAMBWERA (pictured right) is one of the country’s brightest rugby prospects but at the just 24 the lad is already mulling walking away from the game.

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