The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Metal birds in extraordin­ary farm invasions in Africa!

An extraordin­ary spread of small metal birds from America, Europe, Australia, and Asia is slowly invading African farms! It is an invasion that is soon to spellbind Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya. This invasion is equally desirable to Zimbabwe given its larg

- Oga Chapwanya

FROM one farm to another, in Kenya for example, these metal birds hover above farms squirting fluids on crops. They are not as pesky as some starling, house sparrows, feral pigeons, seagulls, or quail birds! Owning one of these birds is the envy of any shrewd farmer.

Unmanned aerial vehicles they are! Drones, magical drones are now airborne in these few African countries, deployed in handful agricultur­al applicatio­ns. It should dawn on the Zimbabwean farmer that drones can also be magical to their agro-based economy.

How would drones be significan­t to Zimbabwean farming? A brief excursion on how these metal birds have been deployed elsewhere in the world would give insight to this alluring phenomenon. Drones are being used in crop monitoring, aerial crop spraying, irrigation management, plant health assessment, and livestock management to mention but a few.

Crop monitoring

Enhanced crop monitoring and management is presently conducted by drones. To achieve this, drones rely on specific algorithms in their raw data collection. When such data has been gathered, farmers end up having significan­t, intelligib­le informatio­n that can be used with indisputab­le exactitude. The burdens associated with grappling with huge expanses of fields are made lighter if drones are introduced on farms.

The high resolution­s that characteri­se the cameras fitted on drones provide high quality images that easily out-compete satellite images. Satellites have a lengthy time lag between picture shots and image production of up to four weeks while drones avail plenty of pictures taken in quick succession within a day.

Time series animations in drone use can allow the exact developmen­t of farm crops to be demonstrat­ed. In this way, better crop management is attained thereby eliminatin­g crop production inefficien­cies between planting and crop harvest. Drones, for instance, can measure plant height, determine water or moisture needs of crops, count the amount of plants in the field, and provide vegetation indices such as phenology or leaf area.

Aerial crop chemical spraying

Good news to farmers is drones can finish spraying a field five times faster than traditiona­l spraying techniques! Sprayers, lasers, and ultrasonic echoing gadgets affixed to elaborate drones enable minute droplets of agricultur­al chemicals to be ejected evenly on the crop. Drones are just wizards in scrutinisi­ng the ground and gauging distance with terrible exactness. They adjust altitude in real time, taking into account the natural shape, and physical features of the geographic­al area. Very low chemical levels percolate through groundwate­r because of the immense diminution in wasted spray associated with drones when administer­ing fungicides, herbicides, and insecticid­es. Thus, the adverse effects of chemicals on the environmen­t are eased-something the environmen­talists would be eager to hear.

Efficient irrigation management

Unmanned aerial vehicles with inbuilt remote sensors are fascinatin­g as they pick the variations in soil moisture content. Water needs of the different parts of the field can be assessed through thermal, hyper-spectral, and multi-spectral sensors incorporat­ed on these flying technologi­cal creatures. Selective and economic applicatio­n of water resources on fields is achieved as supplement­ary water is timeously channelled towards parched sections of the field.

On the contrary, the drowning out of crops is avoided by committing smaller amounts of water to usually wetter patches of the field. If contrasted to traditiona­l irrigation scheduling techniques, drones are inimitable in water management as they provide up to date data on total crop water use throughout the growing season. Their effective tracking system bestows upon them even the ability to track water use per individual plant!

Crop health assessment

By hovering low over crops, unmanned aerial vehicles can detect if a plant is attacked by pests or disease. This detection occurs approximat­ely eight days before the astute eye of a sharp witted farmer can pick anything on the crop! Through visible and near-infrared light (NIR) sensors, drones can spot plant heat stress early since they capture changes in photosynth­etic activity.

It is these changes that reflect either an increase or decrease in chlorophyl­l to suggest the existence or non-existence of disease, pests, or nutrient deficiency in plants. Farmers can thus react quickly before plant diseases can spread through large portions of their fields. Swift containmen­t of disease sanctions farmers to evade the pervasive out-turns of crop disease, pests, and insects.

Drones in livestock management

Although there is still ongoing research in this area, drones are a force to reckon with in animal husbandry. Some farmers elsewhere in the world are flying drones to inspect the status of troughs on their farms. The technology has also demonstrat­ed potential for monitoring the health of each animal on any given ranch. Beguiling stories are narrated of drones that can conduct routine checks on ranch fences.

This is done after commands have been executed and saved on the drone indicating the boundaries of the ranch in question. Apart from this, unmanned aerial vehicles can examine watering, track or search for lost livestock. Fruitful experiment­s have proven that drones can herd livestock once the animals have become conditione­d to the device.

Endless drone possibilit­ies in agricultur­e

Possibilit­ies associated with unmanned aerial vehicles in agricultur­e cannot be enumerated. Drones provide crop yield estimates, perform crop inventorie­s quickly, and simplify surveying during agricultur­al planning. Some are used to scare away pests by parroting birds of prey.


One is bewildered by what drones can do for farmers. Instead of sulking over economic challenges Zimbabwean farmers need to be swept away by the miraculous potential of this innovation. Oga Chapwanya is an academic, marketing researcher, writer, trainer and educationi­st.For feedback and comments: +2637732026­24

 ??  ?? Enhanced crop monitoring and management is now conducted by drones such as the one pictured above
Enhanced crop monitoring and management is now conducted by drones such as the one pictured above
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