The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

IVF source of hope for infertile couples

Chido (not her real name) began the journey to pursue motherhood eight years ago.

- Shamiso Yikoniko

WHEN it became apparent after those years that she and her husband Tawanda were not naturally able to conceive, they were shattered. In a bid to conceive, they searched high and low for remedies to their predicamen­t.

Chido (30) and Tawanda (37) of Harare consulted herbalists and prophets but to no avail.

“It was both devastatin­g and hurtful to realise that we were wasting our money seeking remedies which didn’t produce the solution we sought,” explained Chido.

“And because we desperatel­y wanted to conceive, the herbalists and prophets we consulted capitalise­d on our desperatio­n.”

In many cultures, childless women suffer discrimina­tion, stigmatisa­tion and ostracism. This forces many infertile women in developing countries to conclude that without children, their lives are without hope.

Most African cultures, Zimbabwe included, demands that for a woman to be socially acceptable, she should have at least one biological child.

“During social gatherings, women talk a lot about their children or being pregnant. Those were the moments I felt extremely isolated,” said Chido.

“So often, people do not regard you as human. Many-a-time I have overheard other women talking about me being cursed. Luckily for us, both our families understood our situation and reassured us that it wasn’t yet God’s time.”

Chido and Tawanda consulted a doctor in 2012. They were told them that Tawanda had poor semen motility.

The doctor then prescribed some medication for him, but to no avail.

“As hard as it was, we had accepted our situation as it was until last year,” Tawanda said.

As fate would have it, Tawanda’s female colleague was facing a similar fertility challenge. Together with her husband, they had underwent a successful in-vitro fertilisat­ion (IVF).

IVF is a process of fertilisat­ion by extracting eggs, retrieving a sperm sample and then manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. The embryo is then transferre­d to the uterus.

“My colleague encouraged us to go through the same process. I discussed with my wife and then sought the necessary medical advice,” added Tawanda.

The couple was referred to Dr Tinovimba Mhlanga, an obstetrici­an and gynaecolog­ist, who ran several tests, including hy st eros al pin gog rap hy( HS G ). The doctor establishe­d that Tawanda had no problems. Instead, Dr Mhlanga said Chido’s fallopian tubes were blocked.

“Dr Mhlanga explained that there’s no way I was going to conceive normally with blocked fallopian tubes and recommende­d IVF,” said Chido.

Tawanda and Chido were elated that there was hope to become parents.

Although they were not financiall­y prepared to go through the first cycle of IVF, the couple embarked on a quest to raise the required funds.

“We were desperate to have a child and we didn’t have money but it was done,” Tawanda said.

Locally, IVF costs between $3 500 and $4 000.

“We went through the process on April 26, 2017. We were administer­ed a number of medication­s in preparatio­n for the retrieval of eggs and sperms which was then done on May 24,” explained Chido.

“Then on May 29, implantati­on of the embryo was done.”

As standard procedure, Chido had to wait for 10 days before being tested for pregnancy.

“The waiting killed me. The 10 days felt like a year. I’m just glad that after my first IVF cycle, I became pregnant,” Chido said.

As of last week, Chido was 15 weeks pregnant.

“I can’t explain the feeling but I thank God that I’m pregnant,” she said.

Infertilit­y affects up to 15 percent of reproducti­ve couples worldwide.

Although male infertilit­y has been found to be the cause of a couple’s failure to conceive in about 50 percent of cases, the social burden falls disproport­ionately on women.

Almost all cultures across Africa put pressure on the woman when a couple fails to conceive.

“For many infertile women, particular­ly those with problems such as blocked or severely scarred fallopian tubes where surgical tubal repair is either not successful or not advisable, IVF can help,” advised Chido.

“I can’t wait to hold my child,” added Tawanda.

Between the 1980s and 1990s, a total of 52 babies who are now adults were conceived through IVF in Zimbabwe after it had been pioneered at The Avenues Clinic by Dr Tony Robertson.

Earlier this year, a baby boy was born through IVF at The Avenues Clinic since the procedure was reintroduc­ed last year in the country.

The re-introducti­on of IVF has been made possible through the efforts of Dr Mhlanga, embryologi­st Mr Tinei Makurumure and Sister Florence Marechera under the tutelage of Dr Robertson and Mrs Robertson.

The team is receiving help from partners in Australia who run a similar programme in Melbourne. The dominant image of IVF technology is that it is a tool for delivering little bundles of joy to parents who have been unable to conceive naturally. Dr Mhlanga explains the IVF process. “We put the woman on stimulatio­n protocol — these are powerful drugs that cause women to produce multiple eggs. We then follow them up with scans and they are then taken to theatre to harvest the eggs,” explained Dr Mhlanga.

“These eggs are then fertilised outside the body with the husband’s sperms. Embryos form and are put back in the uterus after three or five days.”

In 1978, the first “test-tube baby” — Louise Brown — was born in Manchester, United Kingdom. The second successful test tube baby birth occurred 67 days later in India. And since 1981, more than five million babies have been born through IVF.

Since its infancy, IVF has been highly hogged by scrutiny and stirred up plenty of moral controvers­y and debate.

While IVF allow couples to conceive, this view of IVF has always been only one side of the story.

Not all IVF criticism hangs on bad outcomes. Others consider IVF innately wrong because it is “unnatural”. However, these critics have been silenced over time.

Some critics argue that IVF scientists are attempting to “play God”. In a statement from the Vatican, the Catholic Church states, “(Impregnati­on) must be carried out according to nature and through reciprocal and responsibl­e love between a man and a woman”.

Others are worried that the so-called test-tube babies can be rejected as social outcasts.

The local IVF centre recently acquired a new version of the Intra Cytoplasmi­c Sperm Injection (ICSI) microscope which is used when injecting a sperm into an egg in the laboratory.

“This is used in cases where the sperm quality is such that fertilisat­ion couldn’t occur without a direct injection of sperm into the egg,” explained Dr Mhlanga.

IVF pregnancy rate is 40 percent worldwide.

“We are pleased that our pregnancy rate matches the internatio­nal standard,” he said.

However, Dr Mhlanga added that he feels depressed by the current IVF pregnancy rate.

“My job is gloomy at times when patients fail to conceive in the first cycle. But we encourage couples not to give up,” he said.

Unfortunat­ely for most women in developing countries, infertilit­y services are not widely available and IVF is unaffordab­le.

As the cost of establishi­ng advanced infertilit­y centres is very high, only a limited number of centres are establishe­d in low and middle income countries and most remain in the private sector.

The situation is further exacerbate­d by lack of insurance coverage — seeking fertility care often means a lonely path for women wishing to conceive.

However, Egypt offers affordable infertilit­y services. About 51 private and public infertilit­y treatment centres have mushroomed in the past three decades.

The busiest public centre in Cairo located at Al-Azhar University provides fertility care, including subsidised IVF cycles for $600 per cycle to serve hundreds of Egypt’s infertile couples every year.

 ??  ?? IVF is a process of fertilisat­ion by extracting eggs, retrieving a sperm sample and manually combining an egg and sperm
IVF is a process of fertilisat­ion by extracting eggs, retrieving a sperm sample and manually combining an egg and sperm

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