The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Chamisa, play your politics wisely


EDITOR - I read with great concern the speech which the MDC president Mr Nelson Chamisa uttered during one of his campaign rallies in Matabelela­nd when he said that Matabelela­nd has been Shonalised.

He vowed that once his two terms have lapsed, if he manages to win the coming plebiscite, he will hand-over power to a Ndebele person.

Without taking anything away from the people of Matabelela­nd I believe Mr Chamisa should not have said those words because they encompass hate speech which the new trajectory is trying by all means to thwart.

These are speeches which sow divisions amongst us peace-loving Zimbabwean­s.

Secondly, he mentioned the Gukurahund­i issue which is a very sensitive.

If my memory serves me right, the President has set up a National Peace and Reconcilia­tion Commission to tackle that issue.

Why can’t we all be patient and give the commission time to deal with the issue without any undue pressure? We all await the results.

Finally, he also spoke about the issue of the Ndebele king.

In our national Constituti­on, there is nothing enshrined in it with regard kings and queens or maybe he wants the Constituti­on to be written all over again to include kings and queens.

Presently we only have chiefs, headmen and village heads.

Please Mr Chamisa we don’t need these speeches which promote violence and divisions.

Munyaradzi Padzarondo­ra, Murombedzi

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