The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Oh, poor Chamisa


I WOULD like to start by congratula­ting President E.D Mnangagwa for being declared the winner of the 2018 Presidenti­al elections.

The matter has been put to bed once and for all by the ConCourt.

I know that many people have just realised Chamisa took us for a ride.

I remember him and his crew claiming and reiteratin­g that they had overwhelmi­ng evidence to prove that ZEC had tempered with the election results in favour of President Mnangagwa.

These guys were given the space and time to provide the evidence that they had and as a country, we waited patiently and braced for the so-called secret weapon they had.

But alas, nothing came of it. During the court hearing, all we heard were allegation­s, most of which were based on social media sentiments.

It is funny that Mr Chamisa himself is a lawyer who understand­s how the judiciary works.

He knew that without substantia­l evidence, their case was not going to hold any weight in the court of law, but he still went on to take that route.

This leaves us asking what his intentions were.

At the end of the day, it is now clear for all to see that the MDC Alliance just wanted to put a stain on the whole electoral process so that it would become difficult for the internatio­nal community to validate its legitimacy.

This court challenge was just a political stunt by an individual who would not just bow out honourably, but rather made the decision to throw mud on the cake of the victors.

The MDC A’s conduct from the announceme­nt of the results to the proclamati­on of ED as the President of the country by the court has had a negative effect on the country’s image.

Mr Chamisa realised that he had lost the election and tried to employ every tactic in the book to make sure that the incoming Government would have a rough start.

This will not stop the country from progressin­g well.

Zimbabwe is about to chart a new path towards economic recovery. May God bless us all.

Moffat Chihwayi, Harare

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