The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)



MDC Alliance supporters are angry, understand­ably so.

They have been lied to countless times by Nelson Chamisa. In just a few months, they have been told about bullet trains and spaghetti roads. They have been told about billions coming from Donald Trump and that Nelson is a good buddy of the Queen of England. They have been told about how Rwanda got its magnificen­t ICT policy from Nelson, and how the Nkomo family gave the same Nelson its hallowed sceptre as some sort of anointing. Of course, these were all lies. But the biggest lie was yet to come. Nelson told his supporters that he had won the Presidenti­al election, and he incited them to fatefully take to the streets of Harare. And then the Constituti­onal Court threw this huge lie back at him last week. Nelson had for days claimed that he had earth shattering evidence and a secret weapon to show that the election had been stolen from him. He was all over social media, that place where he and his kin can hallucinat­e about taking over the leadership of this country.

As it turns out, Nelson had nothing. He was beaten fair and square, and the Constituti­onal Court took him to the cleaners. But we must feel for the lawyers who had to take Nelson’s lies before nine experience­d justices who quickly and unanimousl­y saw through the fabricatio­ns.

And it had to happen before the eyes of the whole world thanks to ZBC-TV’s live broadcast.

The writing was always on the wall. Since November last year, so much ground had already been covered by President Mnangagwa’s administra­tion. Surely, it was obvious that the people of Zimbabwe, who have been eagerly waiting for economic developmen­t for the past two decades, would give President Mnangagwa the mandate to carry these initiative­s through in the next five years.

Congratula­tions Mr President. The nation awaits with eagerness for you to turn this country around.

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