The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)



AFTER reading news headlines on Friday, it really doesn’t take the fabled Sherlock Holmes to understand the reason behind the gratuitous violence that visited communitie­s during the past week.

The fingerprin­ts of the opposition MDC-Alliance and its partners are all over the crime scene.

We saw the same fingerprin­ts when Nelson Ch am is arose to power in the M DC after a calculated reign of terror to cow his opponents. The finger prints were even more visible when MDC youth shock troopers detained and assaulted the late Morgan Tsvangirai’s then-deputy, Dr Thokozani Khupe, legislator Lwazi Sibanda, MDC-T secretary-general Douglas M won zora and several others at Ts vang ira i’ s funeral service in Buhera on February 20 2018.

We also cannot forget the bloody clash es between allies of Chamisa and vice Dr Thokozani Khupe in March last year over the control of the party.

It is the unmistakab­ly the same script we saw in our towns and suburbs last week. We now know, as we have always known, that the MD C-Alliance is prepared tow ea po nisei ts youth-wing to force the ZANU-PF Government into dialogue, which it hopes will culminate in this animal called a transition­alauthorit­y and, absurd ly, elections in six-month’s time. What crap!

President Mn an gagwa has already unequivoca­lly addressed this issue.

In an interview with the British television station, Sky TV, in August last year, the Presidents­aid :“In 1964, Harold Wilson of Britain had one seat, beating the conservati­ve by one seat and he formed a government and ruled England and Ihavetw o-thirds majority and you are talking about me abandoning my two-thirds majority to seek a government of national unity .”

No matter the efforts that are being invested by the opposition — using both unorthodox and extra-judicial methods— it is clear that Government won’ t be deter red in its resolve to develop Zimbabwe.

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