The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Kill that beast called ignorance!

- Hunt for Greatness Milton Kamwendo

KILL that ignorance beast — Ignosaurus. There are words that grab your attention, talk to you and inflame your imaginatio­n. One such word is borrowed from Latin — “ignoramus”. An ignoramus is someone who is ignorant, and knows nothing. Ignorance is not bliss. Never be satisfied to remain ignorant or pride yourself with being so. There is a telling maxim: “ignoramus et ignorabimu­s”, it means “we do not know and will not know”. This maxim reflects the attitude of a person who has become a strange and ignorant being. They are called Ignosaurus.

You may claim that there is no animal like that, it never existed and never will. The same can be said of dinosaurs. What you know determines what you become and the nature of your arguments. Try not be too loud, or too long-winded because you risk revealing your ignorance. What you do not know determines the amount of potential that you unlock. Keep learning, keep growing, keep asking questions and keep exploring. You do not have the luxury of being an ignoramus.

It is easy to think that someone who has been to school, can read messages on their phone, can read a newspaper column, has spent years learning and hangs some certificat­es on the wall cannot in anyway be described as an Ignosaurus. The reality is that this ignorance-inducing beast exists and must be slain. It is always lurking in the shadows, seeking out for the proud, contented and arrogant people. If allowed to roam about, Ignosaurus turns otherwise intelligen­t and capable people into lgnoramuse­s. God forbid that you join the slain!

The reality is that you cannot know everything and change is happening all the time. As Eric Hoffer once said: “In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifull­y equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” Everyday you have to wake up determined to learn, grow and improve. You have to keep updating your knowledge and competence bases. Past success is no longer sufficient armour against Ignosaurus.

Do not live in yesterday, operate ignorantly today and hope that the future will be kind to you. In times of change, learners grow, change and adapt. Uncertaint­y is reduced by the things you learn and grow to understand. Whatever looks chaotic is understand­able if you have sufficient mental tools to make sense of it and understand it.

If you do not watch out, it is easy to catch the disease that causes one to become an ignoramus. You do not have to if you do a few simple things daily that will help you to become great and excellent. What you do daily determines what you become ultimately. What you learn daily determines the nature of the world that opens up to you gradually. Do not stop learning, growing or moving.

Always Be Alert (ABA)

To deal with Ignosaurus, always be alert to learning opportunit­ies and to the people around you. The opportunit­ies to learn are everywhere — use them well. A good place to begin is this Arabic saying:

“He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool; shun him.

He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a student; Teach him.

He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep; Wake him.

He who knows, and knows that he knows, is Wise; Follow him.”

Look around and see who you are hanging around with. Be suspicious if you have friends that do not own or ever read a book. Be anxious if the people you fellowship with despise learning and books. Be concerned if the people you follow never refer to any book in any conversati­on. Be nervous if you never buy books and you are always looking at borrowing books. Be worried if you do not remember the last book you read. Be scared if the last time you read a book was when you were doing some exams. Be afraid if you have a large television and you do not have a large bookshelf with great books.

Always be alert to learning opportunit­ies and meeting people who can teach you things you do not know. Do not be afraid that you will look like a fool because you asked some questions. Always be alert to learn, to ask and to borrow ideas


others. Ignosaurus attacks best and fastest when you pretend to know, are isolated and you have made yourself into a protected island and you will not see a different view.

Always Ask Questions (AAQ)

An important defence against Ignosaurus is for you to always ask questions. The growth mindset inspires questions. Instead of just admiring “the machine”, always seek to know how the machine works. Questions are like a set of tools. They all work, but for different circumstan­ces and in different situations. The questions you ask determines the elements of Ignosaurus that are exposed and eliminated.

Ask “what” questions in order to get the details. Ask “where” questions to get direction and location details. Ask “when” questions to get an idea of time and space. Ask “who” questions to know the people involved and those who can be a resource to you. Ask “how” questions to get insights into the process. Ask “which” questions to get deeper insights into some elements. Ask “now” questions to know what the first steps are. Ask “later” questions to know what the horizon looks like. Ask “mirror” questions to reflect and validate that you understand what you are being told. Whatever you do, keep asking questions. Increase your questions to statement ratio. Be known for questions, instead of answers. The best leaders lead with questions.

Always Be Learning (ABL)

You will never turn into an Ignosaurus if you are always learning. How? The opportunit­ies to learn are everywhere. Eliminate every excuse you have for not learning and leaning forward. Press through every obstacle in order to learn. Be persistent and be focused and you will learn and grow.

If you find that at the end of the day you are too tired to learn, then change the timing of your learning. Wake up an hour or two earlier and start the day by taking some knowledge vitamins. If you do not have time to sit down and read, then try audiobooks. Do not let technology confuse you and never use the excuse that you do not have the latest of gadgets for you to learn. Tapes, physical books, CDs still exist and you can still use them. Do not use the excuse that you do not like reading as fact. If so go see, go touch, go do. Do not use the excuse that you are still young and you will try learning later in life. The worst kind of Ignosaurus is the one which attacks youth. Ignorant youth abuse much, lose much and waste much. Learning takes you forward and is the best form of leverage.

Old people who are captured by Ignosaurus destroy much. They may talk with sophistica­tion, but they then act with utter foolishnes­s. You are never too old to learn. Keep challengin­g your limits and moving forward. Committed to your greatness.

Milton Kamwendo is a leading internatio­nal transforma­tional and motivation­al speaker, author, and growth mentor. His life purpose is to inspire and promote greatness. He can be reached at: and Twitter: @MiltonKamw­endo. His website is: www.miltonkamw­endo. com.

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