The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

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YESTERDAY we marked 40 years of our independen­ce. It is sad that we could not celebrate or merry-make because we are currently battling a serious pandemic — coronaviru­s.

While we pray that we emerge from this scourge, let us also remember that independen­ce teaches us that united we will overcome our challenges.

To those who could not live to this day, but fought for our freedom, I say thank you for your selfless deed. — Peter Mashumba, Mutare. ***

I am glad that security services upped their game this past week as they tried their level best to enforce the lockdown. Had they not turned it up a notch, I am sure things would have been chaotic right now.

More people were becoming more comfortabl­e moving around knowing that the consequenc­es were minimal.

This past week, we have seen more people being arrested for defying the lockdown. Hopefully, in the future people will just comply with all the measures put in place by Government. — Citizen.


The price madness does not seem to be stopping anytime soon. Government must move in fast and intervene otherwise this trend of price increases is getting out of hand. — Mr Timba.


We welcomed the news that people will be getting subsidised mealie-meal in their areas of residence under a zonal system.

However, it is now a week since we were told the commodity will be delivered, but the shops are yet to get the supplies.

Mealie-meal is a staple food and it is our hope the deliveries will start soon. — Mironga, Kuwadzana. ***

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