The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)




One hundred and ninety seven health workers at Mpilo Central Hospital in Bulawayo are in self-quarantine after three patients and a nurse test positive for Covid-19. Two of the patients tested positive after their admission, while the third person was an outpatient.

It is suspected that the nurse contracted Covid-19 after coming into contact with one of the patients who had come to the referral hospital.


The Zimbabwe Defence Forces ( ZDF)

dismisses reports in the private and online media that it deployed soldiers to Morgan Richard Tsvangirai House (formerly Harvest House) to seize the building on behalf of MDC-T led by Dr Thokozani Khupe as false.


Over 200 returnees in Harare’s different quarantine facilities released after testing negative for Covid-19, while those who tested positive have since been isolated at Beatrice Road Infectious Diseases Hospital, Wilkins Infectious Disease Hospital and Parirenyat­wa Group of Hospital’s isolation facilities, as Government moves to de-congest all its quarantine facilities across the country.

Over 100 others from Harare are still waiting for their results.


Zimbabwe’s security chiefs dismiss rumours of an imminent military coup in Zimbabwe being peddled on dubious online media platforms as a desperate case of agenda-setting by the opposition, disgruntle­d former ZANU PF members and Western government­s through their local embassies.

They urged Zimbabwean­s to be wary of plots to create instabilit­y and undermine the authority of the Government, warning that those engaging in treasonous acts would be punished.


President Mnangagwa declares Monday as Presidenti­al Day of Prayer and Fasting.

This is in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The declaratio­n came as the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the country continues to grow.

In his address at State House, the President said the time has come for Zimbabwean­s to come together in supplicati­on to seek the Almighty God’s “mercy, wisdom, help and healing to overcome this deadly pandemic” that has disrupted normal life and also the economy.

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