The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

There’s no need for rituals

- Life Issues with FGK ◆ Website: www.fgklifeiss­, Instagram: Life issues with FGK, Facebook: Life issues with FGK

MOST people have an insatiable urge to believe in something, but many ignore the truth to search for the unknown.

In searching for what they cannot define, they get to meet all sorts of things — some good, some bad.

Often they cannot tell the righteous from the wicked.

They seem to sense that there could be more to what sensory perception can discern.

This usually drives many to keep searching for “enlightenm­ent”, and unfortunat­ely they search where it is not.

The human anatomy and spiritual makeup keep telling human beings that there should be a deity somewhere; there should be a superior power somewhere — one who can make improvemen­ts in our lives within this realm.

Religion and superstiti­on have been spawned by this desire of human beings to believe in some supernatur­al power.

Some cultures partake in abominable ritual practices like genital mutilation of teenagers, while others encourage child marriages.

We also have some cultures that marry off children to older men.

In some cases, this is part of cultic rituals meant to appease spirit mediums, which in turn are expected to help bring business success.

Rituals are deeply embedded in culture, hence they are usually practiced in the name of ‘adhering to culture’.

A friend of mine once narrated how his grandfathe­r acquired a goblin from a witchdocto­r to boost his waning business fortunes but ended up sacrificin­g his family.

Apparently, it was prescribed to him as a ‘remedy’ that would not only boost his grocers and haulage businesses, but make him a feared person in the village as well.

But nothing changed for four good years.

So he went back to the n’anga only to be told that the‘muti’needed to be appeased with human blood — his children’s blood.

He was also told that there was no going back; he had to man up and do what needed to be done.

As someone who had a soft spot for his children, he decided to marry a second wife — the one who would bear him children that could be guillotine­d.

He sired five children with the second wife. The second wife’s children kept on dying until only one — a son that bore my friend’s dad — was left.

Children from the first wife, who were Christians, noticed that something was wrong. They began pestering their father to confess and repent.

As fate would have it, unfortunat­ely a day before going to church with his children for confession­s, grandpa was found dead lying next to an empty bottle of rat poison.

However, he left behind a note confessing to what he had done.

Across all religions and cultures, there seem to be such dark forces.

Some go as far as trading in human body parts or human traffickin­g for ritual purposes. Some cults have been able to brainwash their followers into believing that this is the only way to achieve success in business and to generally command respect in life.

When you cut a deal with the devil, never think at once that he will be honest enough to fulfil his end.

You can never do business the devil’s way and expect a fair share.

Many greedy people have resorted to rituals in order to achieve prosperity, but in the end, they have lost more than what loads of money can ever replace. Money is not everything.

They might need money because they have families to feed, but the devil offers them money in exchange for their families. While they might achieve success on the outside, they might actually be dying on the inside.

It is a zero-sum game. Rituals are a trade with the devil. They have nothing to do with your culture. We can never say rituals do not work because these are spiritual practices, and we all know the physical world is controlled by the mystical world.

Denying the power of rituals is like denying the existence of witchcraft.

But there is a true light which drives all darkness away. When one finds it, they will know the truth.

The ultimate sacrifice was done on Calvary (Jesus Christ) more than two thousand years ago and there is no need for us to spill blood anymore.

He became poor so that through His poverty we can be rich.

He is the peace that the world is in constant search of.

He cannot be found in rituals, he is not in drugs and sex and all those filthy religious activities that people do in search for something to believe in.

When you find the true light, you will know that business can be done purely and Godly!

Quote of the week: Rituals are a trade with the devil.

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