The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

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- @SundayMail­Zim

@Oliver Manungo on “Agricultur­e sector major boost” —excellent keep it up. ***

@ MCazawy on “Inside Nakamba’s rural upbringing” — Beautiful stories on Nakamba and in your paper in general. Keep it up.

Shammah Mada on “Covid-19: Zim ready to deal with second wave”

— This comes to us as good news because Covid-19 is real, although some of us are yet to come to terms with that fact. It is heart-warming to hear that there are some refurbishm­ents taking place at isolation centres so this improves our faith in the system. As Zimbabwean­s we want to be made to feel safe by the relevant authoritie­s and whatever policies they have in place to contain this pandemic should be diligently implemente­d. *** Chrispen Walters on“Chinese medical team jets in today” — China’s continued support for Zimbabwe in the fight against the coronaviru­s is noble. Even during the peak period of the pandemic in Zimbabwe, they sent an assortment of equipment and other PPEs. This just goes to show that China and Zimbabwe are truly all weather friends. We just hope that this team is able to help us in containing the virus. ***

Kim Rudo on“No bail for

CID boss” — It is really good to wake up and read that these corrupt bosses are now being dealt with accordingl­y because criminal abuse of office has been the order of the day in Government and among its bureaucrat­s, so this is a welcome stance. We just hope that justice will prevail because we cannot have heads of criminal department­s being involved in such shady deals while the general citizenry continues to suffer. All corrupt bosses should be investigat­ed and prosecuted. Period!

*** Xavier Fera on“More elephant deaths recorded in Victoria Falls”

— It is so dishearten­ing when you hear that wildlife, especially elephants, are dying. Losing 27 elephants in a space of two months is not a joke and I am happy to hear that samples have been taken to the UK for testing because the death of wildlife is the death of tourism. Tourism is a major driver of our economy. We hope the situation gets better and that the test results come before more damage is done.

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