The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Man should be natural protectors

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MEN were created by God with so many important responsibi­lities on their shoulders.

One such responsibi­lity is fatherhood. Paternity is God’s idea and it mimics humanity’s relationsh­ip with the Creator as the Father.

Fatherhood is one of the strongest biblical themes.

My intention is not to glorify men but to recognise them as important beings set by God for the good of families.

Anyone can father a child, but only few can be great fathers.

Fathering a child and being a father are two different things.

There is more to being a father and a guardian.

The role of a father is irreplacea­ble. No one can possibly fill the gap of a father who is absent or who is not playing his role.

A child’s developmen­t hinges on the father figure.

Thus, the impact that a great father or an absent father can have, especially in shaping a child’s life, is undoubtedl­y huge. Children usually aspire to make their fathers proud. Sons often strive to be like their fathers. It is, therefore, not surprising that kids whose fathers come home drunk and staggering pretend to stagger too when they are out playing with their peers. This is because a father is a role model.

All he does, good or bad, is viewed with interest by the juvenile.

Subconscio­usly, men recreate themselves through the sons they raise.

Great dads also raise great sons.

The son usually mimics the way his father relates with other people.

The way a child manages his life and relationsh­ips in later years is dependent on the lessons learned from the father.

Likewise, the way he treats his children influences what they will look for in other people. A father has to know that he is a symbol of perfection to his children. Great dads are great guardians. They are pillars of security and emotional support to their little angels — the girl children. A great father has a direct influence on the quality of relationsh­ips the girl children will have.

The little girls usually search for their father’s positive characteri­stics in their potential husbands.

If the father is a great man, strong and valiant, they are likely to look for the same qualities. Great fathers are icons.

Every son seeks approval from them before embarking on anything important because they trust their wisdom, knowledge and experience. It is sad for a father to possess none!

Great fathers must carry weight, wisdom and virtue that rub off on the young men and at the same time reassuring their young daughters of a safer future.

A good father is always proactive. They have a sharp eye for detail and can easily discern problems even before the signs start showing.

Most people think the most important thing about a father or guardian is to provide, but for children, it is far from it.

Being a great dad is a whole deeper dimension where provisions are just one of the primary responsibi­lities.

Often, a present father and an involved one makes a great dad.

The two need to connect physically and emotionall­y. Sometimes it takes time to play to bond with your children.

It also takes being attentive when they speak and laughing at their silly jokes. Great dads are dependable. An unfaithful husband cannot be a good father. He cannot be a man of his word.

And yet to be a great dad you need to be a man who sticks to his promises and values his word.

Your family should be able to count on you. If you promise your kids that you will take them out for a movie, you better do it.

You can only be a superman to them by going out of your way to fulfil promises.

In conclusion, it is important to recognise that men are created to be great dads and guardians. They are there to father, protect, train, teach, discipline, secure, provide, promote peace and lead the family.

A great father loves his kids and is faithful to his wife.

Your children must never wonder whether you love them; it must be obvious through your actions.

Quote of the week: Fathering a child and being a father are two different things.

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