The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Goals shift with time

Posts represent ambitions, dreams and aspiration­s that one wishes to reach or achieve.

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Goals involve identifyin­g passions and starting a daily process to achieve them. Reflecting on your progress regularly, celebratin­g accomplish­ments and making necessary changes are part of the process.

However, self-discovery is the most essential aspect in changing goals.

The road to achieving your goals can be tricky if you do not have a clear picture of where you want to be and how others got there.

Discoverin­g your likes and dislikes makes it easy for you to identify your supposed destiny.

This is how goals change, as people change and adapt to new realities and aspiration­s.

According to Deepak Chopra, an influentia­l American-Indian author, “success in life could be defined as the continued expansion of happiness and the progressiv­e realisatio­n of worthy goals.”

This clearly suggests that goal posts can never be fixed.

Your goals, dreams and vision can be influenced and inspired by the people you surround yourself with.

Why is this so?

Well, because colleagues help to shape your dreams.

The type of conversati­on(s) you have with your peers have an impact since they either motivate or discourage you. Goals can be influenced by exposure. Being exposed to high standards of living can help motivate you to achieve the same.

Exposure also creates links needed to achieve set goals.

People that lack exposure often do not dream big and rarely see opportunit­ies, even if these opportunit­ies are in their face.

According to the Holy Book, people suffer because of lack of knowledge.

Also, not setting goals condemns one to an aimless life.

“Self-acknowledg­ement and appreciati­on are what give you the insights and awareness to move forward toward higher goals and accomplish­ments,” reckons Jack Canfield, another American author.

We should not compare our goals with other people’s aspiration­s.

What is important to you might not be important to the next person.

Likewise, what might seem to be useless goals may turn out to be the best goals.

God is in the business of raising people from hopeless situations.

We have to treat people with respect no matter how fat or thin their wallets are.

You may look down upon a person who will pay your bills or salary tomorrow.

Quote of the week: Never look down upon other people’s goals.

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