The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)


- Milton Kamwendo

Going through what you have to

LIFE is a forest, a ladder, a journey and a pregnancy. You can tame anything so long as you really decide and get working towards that supreme goal. Do not wait for motivation because you may wait for ever. It is not what others can do that matters but what you decide to do.

Focus fuels greatness and generates the power to achieve, frustrates doubt and frees you from unbelief. See beyond mirages, mirrors and shadows. What looks impossible will not always be fashioned that way. Your mountains of today are the molehills of tomorrow.

Do not let size intimidate you, do not let distance threaten you, do not let the currency sign blind you and do not let people dispirit you.

There is something in you that cannot be conquered, unless you let it. Dare to believe that you can go through whatever you have to go through in order for you to attain your greatness.

The power that lies asleep in you is not dead. The seeds that lie dormant in you are not wasted potential. The report of the past does not seal your present.

Water the seeds of greatness that lie in you, arouse something in you and let the giant in your rise from slumber.

Do not wait for change to come, but choose to be the change. Do not wait for your cows to come home, go out and look for them.

Do not waste any day camping around a begging bowl when you are sitting on potential.

What you seek for is already in you waiting to be aroused and put into action. Do not let goals stall because you are not putting action behind them.

Do not take any failure so seriously that you throw away your callings, your visions and your dreams.

Spare no moment playing the victim drama because that is not the posture of power.

Keep carrying your worthy dreams and feeding your mind with possibilit­ies. Implant into your mind faith ideas and not fear images. You do not think in words but in pictures.

The pictures you carry fire up your personal power. Delete fear-induced pictures and carry faith-filled pictures. At certain stations certain things look important, imposing or impossible. Such is the ever-present challenge of greatness. Do not stall, do not stop and do not look back. I once came across this powerful idea: “When you are carrying a dream you can deliver under any conditions. Mary, the mother of Jesus, delivered in a manger.”

It is easy to settle for the good or just good enough and forget all about greatness. Do not allow that spirit to take hold of you. Rebel from all cynicism. Personal frustratio­n over an extended period does not invalidate the power of dreams, the value of faith and power of unlimited potential. We are taught early that the opposite of good is bad, however the enemy of great is good. Mr Jim Collins in his great book, “Good to Great”, says: “That good is the enemy of great is not just a business problem. It is a human problem. If we have cracked the code on the question of good to great, we should have something of value to any type of organisati­on. Good schools might be-come great schools.

Good newspapers might become great newspapers. Good churches might become great churches. Good government agencies might become great agencies. And good companies might become great companies.”

Life is for those who dare to believe in greatness, to dream greatness and to poke through their limitation­s, excuses or circumstan­ces. The best time to dream is during night seasons and down moments. Opportunit­y is richest during time of mass negativity.

Do not let challenges blind you from opportunit­y.

Do not let problems blinker you. Opportunit­ies are greatest during seasons that on-theface look negative, and impossible. Greatness is not a function of circumstan­ces, season or history but conscious choice and deliberate action.

Life is for those like you that dare to dream and to believe beyond their limitation­s and the limited estimation­s of others. Never let other people's limitation­s become yours.

Never let other people's doubts become your facts. Never let other people's dunghills become your mountains. Dare to go beyond good enough and claim your stake in your chosen circle of greatness.

Greatness takes hunger, committed work and a rich imaginatio­n that is pregnant with faith.

Be bold, because fear torments and easily imprisons the potential of the vulnerable.

Make up your mind and do not let the minds of others control your fate. Be daring because greatness has to be pursued with all that you have got.

Determine to go through and not park at problems regard-less of their source.

Be resourcefu­l and stand strong, with a fiery faith and focused gaze.

Doubt your doubts and reach for the impossible; you may just move the boundaries of the possible. Do not let history's scripts limit you from writing your own story.

History is there to inform, but it should never be a boundary, crutch or excuse. Do not limit yourself and do not limit others. Stop giving negativity the license to torment you and do not give problems celebrity status.

Challenge every challenge you face with a daring faith, thinking mind and praying soul. Do not wait for everything to line up before you start off. Do not wait for everything to become perfect before you can move.

Do not wait for everyone to support you before you can launch. Momentum is born out of faith-filled action, a moving-mind and dream-driven big moves.

Believe and you shall have whatever you dream. Unless you are willing to believe that there is more beyond the veneer of the impossible you may never get any breakthrou­ghs.

Faith dares, while fear coils in and chooses to live within the bounds of the comfortabl­e, understand­able and safe. Stretch a little more and dare to think the impossible, pray for the impossible and dream the impossible. Do not stop unless life stops you.

Do not dare stop yourself from believing in greatness, possibilit­y and seeing the unmanifest.

Do not let what you see today, invalidate what you see in your mind that others do not see.

How you think creates a frame and platform for what you think. Your mind is stronger than your body, if you train it so. Your spirit is stronger than your mind, if you make it so.

The seed of all creation is a word because words create worlds. Be inspired by these immortal words of Mr Walter D. Wintle who was born before 1900, but whose words continue to ring true even after the happening of we face today:

“If you think you are beaten, you are

If you think you dare not, you don't,

If you like to win, but you think you can't It is almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you're lost

For out of the world we find, Success begins with a fellow's will

It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are You've got to think high to rise, You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go

To the stronger or faster man,

But soon or late the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can!”

Life has its unexpected moments and surprises. It has its pains and joys. Life is a complete package whose contents are unveiled gradually but never in one moment. The journey is lived forwards but understood backwards. Whatever happens value today, this moment and this opportunit­y and there is no crisis that is ever worth wasting. Keep dreaming of possibilit­ies and seeing beyond the challenges that scare you.

Choose to challenge the impossible and put the proper frame on events. Some years ago Adidas, the sportswear, company ran a campaign that featured sports stars. These are winners that work every day to challenge their own limitation­s in order to perform at peak.

They dare stretch when others are sleeping, work when no one is watching, believe when others doubt.

All sports people know that to win and to stay at the top of the game is daily mental, strategy and body work. Blazoned across all the photograph­s that were featured in the Adidas campaign was the iconic copy written by Ms. Aimee Lehto Schewe which read: “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it.” When this campaign broke, it had a punching Mohammed Ali. This is why these words today are attributed to him. May these words challenge your own take on “impossible” and how you choose to use this word.

Committed to your greatness.

Milton Kamwendo is a leading internatio­nal transforma­tional and motivation­al speaker, author, and workshop facilitato­r. He is a cutting-edge strategy, team-building and organisati­on developmen­t facilitato­r and consultant. His life purpose is to in-spire and promote greatness. He can be reached at: an His website is: www.miltonkamw­

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