The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Stop lashing out at your wife, kids

Life Issues


ABUSE is a touchy subject, especially when it relates to families.

What is it that constitute­s abuse? How can we distinguis­h between instilling discipline and abuse?

Today, we try and dissect this sensitive topic.

According to the Bible, families are a blessing from God and need to be treasured.

Men who abuse their wives and children verbally, mentally or even physically fail to appreciate the Creator’s blessings in their lives.

As a result, God might end up taking them away from them.

Respect is rooted in treating each other well.

Children look up to the father as their personal mentor and first hero.

But what will they learn from him if he is always bashing the mother before their eyes?

Certainly this creates a wrong picture in the mind of children with regards to marriage and respect for the opposite sex. In most instances, the children will be reluctant to get married when they grow up or they simply become abusive to their partners.

This means as a parent you would have failed to properly nurture your children.

But do not think it will end there!

The children will resent you for creating the mess.

No normal child will side with a violent or abusive parent.

Going forward, how effective is beating up children as a way to discipline them?

I think that type of disciplina­ry action no longer has space in our modern society.

Instead, effective communicat­ion can do the trick.

Children do not acquire good morals from getting a beating but when they are taught to distinguis­h right from wrong.

They need to understand why you approve and disapprove of certain things.

So, apart from being exemplary, also try to be as transparen­t and respectful as possible when dealing with them.

This way, you are bound to achieve better results.

Beating creates fear and distance between you and your child, which is not healthy.

But good communicat­ion creates understand­ing and closeness.

Let us make it a habit to live in harmony. Violence in our homes is never the solution.

Quote of the week: Respect is rooted in treating each other well.

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