The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

National Unity: Key in celebratin­g Independen­ce Day

- Allen Choruma Allen Choruma writes in his personal capacity and can be reached on e mail: hoziadviso­

IMBABWE celebrates its 41st day of independen­ce on April 18 in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. As we celebrate our independen­ce, we need to show the world that Zimbabwe will triumph over this pandemic and emerge as a stronger and united nation as our best days and opportunit­ies are still ahead of us.

Zimbabwe has what it takes to be a prosperous country.

We have abundant natural resources, good climate, decent infrastruc­ture, an educated populace with one of the highest literacy levels in Africa, a huge Diaspora population and peace loving people.

We have all the ingredient­s that can transform this great country into an upper middle income economy as envisioned under Vision 2030. What we need to achieve this vision is national unity and national cohesion while rallying behind the flag as a united nation. As Zimbabwean­s, we should not be a nation of whiners, forever whining about things that are not going right instead of putting aside our petty difference­s and working together for the good of our country.

Zimbabwe’s economic recovery is not a mission impossible- it’s a mission possible.

We can turnaround the economic meltdown in no time if we are united and share a common vision as one nation.

The tide for building Zimbabwe’s economy cannot rise if we Zimbabwean­s are not confident that we can move this country to greater heights.

We, Zimbabwean­s, have the key to our economic developmen­t and social transforma­tion agenda envisioned under Vision 2030.


As Professor Mandivamba Rukuni rightly puts it in his book, “Being Afrikan”, our values as African people have for many generation­s been premised on Unhu-Ubuntu-Botho.

Zimbabwean­s have to show each other and the world, what it means to be a human being. We can do this through Ubuntu. Ubuntu is our African cultural heritage that transcends gender, language, culture, wealth, education, religion and political affiliatio­n.

Ubuntu is premised on the basis thatas a person you are not an island but are connected to others around you. “I am because we are”.

Each one of us is a product of the community.

The people around each one of us give us our identity and sense of belonging and being a person.

Ubuntu or simply“humanism”or“being human” gives us identity as Zimbabwean people — it gives us a sense of belonging and a sense of connectedn­ess and interdepen­dence with others — our family, extended family, community and nation.

Tide for nation building

As we celebrate our 41st Independen­ce Day, let’s bury what divides us and come together as a nation and develop our country for the benefit of current and future generation­s.

Let’s pull all our resources together, no matter how limited they may be; they will take us a long way in developing our country. Zimbabwean­s are a resilient nation in the face of adversity.

We know how to struggle and survive, it’s in our DNA.

We know how to thrive and win in the midst of a crisis.

Zimbabwe’s prospects for economic recovery as outlined in the National Developmen­t Strategy 1 (2021-2025) are high- provided we tackle the political and economic challenges head on and begin to work towards national unity and cohesion and building an inclusive economy that is designed to meet the needs and aspiration­s of the 15 million Zimbabwean­s that had been eroded for decades.

This tide for re-building the economy cannot rise if Zimbabwean­s are not united as a people and share a common vision as a nation.

His Excellency, President Mnagangwa, set the right tone from the top on national unity from day one, when in his inaugurati­on speech on 24 November 2017 he spoke of serving as a President of all citizens, regardless of colour, creed, religion, region, tribe, totem, or political affiliatio­n. Together as a united nation, let’s rally behind our President and Government and support them and also allow them to do their best in transformi­ng this country into an upper middle income economy as envisioned under Vision 2030.

Men and women of honour

Zimbabwe needs men and women of honour going forward. Men and women who are prepared to shed off their personal interests and in their stead - place national interests ahead of any other interests.

Zimbabwe needs men and women who are selfless, dedicated and God fearing.

Zimbabwe is calling for men and women who are ready to build this nation into prosperity so that all of us can share what the country has to offer and at the same time set aside more for generation­s to come.

These are trying times for our young democracy — 41 years old.

Our mettle as a nation is being put to test.

It’s upon our leaders - in politics, civil society, business, churches — to show their true character- whether they are going to consume their energy fighting each other or join hands and fight for democracy, nation building and developmen­t.

It’s upon our people to show their character too — whether we are going to incite division or spread malice and hate through social media or spend time productive­ly — building bridges and uplifting those who are hurt, despondent and hopeless.

During these trying times in our nation, we need to transcend beyond our petty political difference­s and see ourselves not as“political party subjects”but as one nation, as Zimbabwean­s.

For us to be called Zimbabwean­s, we need to relate cordially to each other and not throw stones at each when we differ. We need to coexist peacefully.

All Zimbabwean­s have the responsibi­lity to build strong families, communitie­s and above all a united and prosperous nation.

As a nation, we cannot afford to be divided at this stage because of political affiliatio­ns — because of elections lost and won.

As we celebrate Easter and Independen­ce holidays let’s not forget to take our responsibi­lity for good hygiene, doing basic things like hand-washing with soap, covering our mouths when we cough, wearing protective masks and gloves, and seeking medical attention, if need be. We should also practise social distancing by staying away from public gatherings, avoiding unnecessar­y travel and self-isolating when necessary.

This will help us manage the pandemic and avoid a third wave.

Happy Easter and Independen­ce Holidays. God bless Zimbabwe.

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