The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

How to wear, care for face masks

- These care instructio­ns are for cloth masks only. Cloth masks should be washed before and after use. other people. Do not wear other people’s masks. vic

WEARING a face mask protects you and your community by providing an additional physical barrier to coronaviru­s (Covid-19).

There are two types of face masks you can use: cloth masks and surgical masks.

◆ Cloth masks are made of washable fabric and can be washed and re-used.

◆ Surgical masks are single-use masks and cannot be washed or re-used.

How to wear a face mask

◆ Wash your hands with soap and water before putting on the mask.

◆ Make sure it covers your nose and mouth and fits snugly under your chin, over the bridge of your nose and against the sides of your face.

◆ Do not touch the front of the mask while wearing it.

◆ If you do touch the mask, wash your hands with soap and water or sanitise your hands immediatel­y.

◆ Do not allow the mask to hang around your neck.

◆ To remove the mask, wash your hands with soap and water or sanitise your hands first.

◆ Carefully remove your mask by grasping the ear loops or untying the ties.

◆ For masks with a pair of ties, unfasten the bottom one first, then the top one.

◆ If your mask has filters, remove them and throw them away.

◆ Fold the mask and put it directly into the laundry or into a disposable or washable bag for laundering.

Single-use surgical masks

They should be disposed of responsibl­y and not be re-used.

Wash your hands with soap and water or sanitise your hands after removing the mask.

Re-usable cloth mask

Fitting your mask

Wear your cloth mask to tightly cover your mouth, nose and chin.

You can tie a knot in the strap for a better fit. Throw away your mask if the fabric is old, thin

Washing your mask

Cloth masks re-used without being washed can become contaminat­ed and may not protect you.

Cloth masks are machine washable. Wash your mask in hot water (60°C). Wash your mask with soap or laundry detergent.

Do not use bleach.

Always wash your hands with soap and water immediatel­y after washing your mask.

Dry your mask before re-using it.

If possible, lay your mask out flat to dry in direct sunlight.

Do not tumble dry.

What you need to keep doing

◆ Wash your hands regularly.

◆ Keep 1,5 metres from people you do not live with.

◆ Get tested, even if you have mild symptoms. ◆ Stay home if you are feeling unwell. — dhhs.

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