The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Devolution funds doubled in 2022 Budget

- Sunday Mail Reporter

FINANCE and Economic Developmen­t Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube last week doubled the financial allocation towards the devolution programme as the Government moves with renewed speed and vigour to facilitate community-led developmen­t.

Presenting the 2022 National Budget in Parliament

last week, Prof Ncube set aside $42,5 billion for devolution up from $19,5 billion that was set aside for the current financial year.

He said the funds will be directed primarily towards transport and related infrastruc­ture, education, health, electricit­y, social amenities, water and sanitation projects.

While the Covid-19 has necessitat­ed the reprioriti­sation of spending from infrastruc­ture developmen­t, authoritie­s have ringfenced funding for high-impact localised projects that stimulate economic developmen­t.

“Furthermor­e, through the inter-government­al fiscal (devolution) allocation, an amount of $42,5 billion, being 5 percent of total revenues, will be disbursed to all local authoritie­s for implementa­tion of impactful community infrastruc­ture projects,” Prof Ncube said.

In 2019, the Government allocated $310 million towards devolution, while $2,9 billion was set aside in 2020. The Government has identified key pillars of infrastruc­ture developmen­t to underpin devolution over the next five years.

Most urban local authoritie­s have channelled devolution funds towards water and sanitation. Harare is currently rehabilita­ting the Morton Jaffray Water Works to help increase water supply in the capital using the funds allocated under the programme.

The Bulawayo City Council is rehabilita­ting the Ncema and Fernhill pump stations. The two cities have perennial water supply problems. Rural districts councils have focused on developing education, health and road infrastruc­ture.

Last year, Prof Ncube singled out Makonde district as the best performing local authority at utilising devolution funds.

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