The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

CDC influentia­l in Zim’s capital markets

Depository Company Limited (CDC) prides itself in being the first Central Securities Depository (CSD) in Zimbabwe having won a rigorous tender process that was presided over by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (SECZ).


SINCE its implementa­tion in 2014, CDC managed to transform the entire capital market from what was largely a manual / semi-automated system to an electronic based system.

CDC also succeeded in putting a stop to rampant issues of shareholde­r litigation and fraud amongst counterpar­ties which were there due to structural deficienci­es in paper based systems. CDC remains available for efficient use by the capital market.

Some of the key highlights of CDC successes since inception include the following: ◆ Reduction of the settlement timeframe

from T plus 7 to T plus 3

◆ Introducti­on of Delivery Versus Payment

to avoid failure in settlement ◆ Introducti­on of a Collateral Fund currently over $260 million to cover any market deficienci­es

◆ Provided a base upon which the Automated Trading Platform was implemente­d ◆ Achieved an A- rating from Thomas Murray the Global Rating agency for CSDs. ◆ Introduced Settlement of funds using Central bank money in line with the Internatio­nal Organisati­on of Securities Commission­s (IOSCO) principles and Internatio­nal best practises.

◆ Continuous engagement of market participan­ts in all key matters regarding the CSD. ◆ Interfaced with mobile and on line trading


CDC implemente­d the CSD project in consultati­on with all stakeholde­rs in the capital market.

In that regard, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe through the National Payments Systems & Exchange Control department, the stockbroki­ng fraternity, the custodians, asset managers and the regulator as an observer, were incorporat­ed into the CSD Project Steering Committee (PSC).

The business processes as well as the system in use were signed off by the PSC representi­ng all stakeholde­rs.

As a critical market infrastruc­ture, CDC has remained open and transparen­t in the way it operates, opening itself to regular scrutiny by the Associatio­n of Global Custodians and Thomas Murray, a CSD global rating agency.

CDC has achieved an A-rating three years in a row, ahead of its regional peers.

CDC strictly adheres to the twenty four (24) principles for key capital market infrastruc­tures issued by IOSCO as these principles aim at having robust CSDs that can withstand financial shocks.

Clear segregatio­n of the trading function from post-trade transactio­n processing is one of the most important aspects of such infrastruc­tures so as to avoid issues associated with collusion and fraud.

CDC has been able to demonstrat­e 100 percent system uptime through its AAA rated system, and currently the same system is being used in more than 65 countries worldwide.

The CSD system has been able to provide an effective quick response to the current Covid19 pandemic by enabling the deployment for use by all participan­ts from their homes on a need basis since the beginning of 2020.

As such, we would like to assure all our stakeholde­rs of our availabili­ty and commitment to working closely with all stakeholde­rs in order to continue to positively contribute to Zimbabwe’s capital market.

 ?? ?? Mr Musiwa
Mr Musiwa

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