The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Island Hospice celebrates volunteers

- Val Maasdorp

EVERY year, the Internatio­nal Volunteer Day is observed on December 5 to encourage and celebrate the role of volunteers.

We at Island Hospice and Healthcare (Island) would like you to join us in recognisin­g and celebratin­g the contributi­ons of our volunteers who provide a service to you, the Zimbabwean community.

Since 1979, Island Hospice has offered palliative and bereavemen­t care services throughout the country and was the first in Africa to do so.

Palliative care means medical and counsellin­g support to those who find themselves with serious, possibly life-threatenin­g illnesses.

Island Hospice’s bereavemen­t care is a service offered to those who are grieving after a death.

The hospice relies heavily on volunteers to augment the services offered by profession­al staff because the demand is great, and the staff are few.

Volunteers are an integral part of the team and complement the services by filling roles such as direct contact with patients and the bereaved or providing essential clerical and fundraisin­g support for the organisati­on.

Those who assist the staff by offering direct contact with patients and clients will undergo training by a social worker or nurse.

Many people become volunteers to express gratitude for help they received during a loved one’s illness, or just to give back to their community.

Being a part of the community that they serve, volunteers are well placed to better understand and assist those in need.

The volunteers describe their work as satisfying, fulfilling and meaningful. Also, volunteeri­ng is good for you. Studies show that being involved in regular volunteer work increases life expectancy, improves your sense of well-being and self-worth, decreases insomnia, and builds a stronger immune system. Island, on behalf of all of those that we serve, would like to thank all our many volunteers for their dedication, time, and effort.

You are greatly valued.

Island has branches in Bulawayo, Harare, Marondera and Mutare. For informatio­n on volunteeri­ng at any Island branch contact: assistant @islandhosp­; +263 24 - 2701674-7.

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