The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Why we need civil service effectiven­ess indicators


An effective civil service can play an important role in determinin­g a country's progress and prosperity. But what constitute­s an “effective civil service” in the 21st Century?

And once a consensus has been reached on defining this, how do civil service leaders know whether their organisati­ons areeffecti­ve, andin which areas are they performing more strongly than others?

The InCiSE Index seeks to help answerthes­e questions. A comprehens­ive set of internatio­nal indicators of civil service effectiven­ess does not currently exist. This subject area is also well recognised in academic, internatio­nal and practition­er communitie­s as a highly complex area for analysis.

This is partly because of data limitation­s, different views on the definition­s of “civil service” and “effectiven­ess”, as well asthe need to

take account of country context factors when looking at performanc­e issues.

Ne v e rtheless, the r e a r e many existing surveys and data collection­s available globally that can be pulled together to provide a view on civil service effectiven­ess on an annual basis. The creation of a new and concise set of civil service effectiven­ess indicators would serveas:

An accountabi­lity tool: allowing citizens, government officials and politician­s to establish in a clear and concise way how well their civil service is performing.

A performanc­e improvemen­t tool: enabling senior decision makers to see which countries perform best in which areas, and learn from them. www.institutef­orgovernme­

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