The Zimbabwe Independent

Anything short of dialogue is futile


THE Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce, one of the main business organisati­ons in the country, recently added to the chorus of calls for President Emmerson Mnangagwa and MDC Alliance (MDC-A) leader Nelson Chamisa to engage in dialogue to address the country’s multi-faceted crisis. The call comes in the wake of concerted efforts to bring Mnangagwa and Chamisa to the negotiatin­g table following the disputed presidenti­al election in 2018, which Mnangagwa won by a wafer-thin 50,6%.

However, the efforts have hit a brick wall due to the entrenched positions of the two political leaders. Mnangagwa insists Chamisa must recognise him as President before negotiatio­ns begin, while Chamisa says the legitimacy of the septuagena­rian leader should be one of the issues up for discussion. Mnangagwa set up the Political Actors Dialogue (Polad), which comprises opposition leaders who contested the 2018 elections and has said he will only negotiate with Chamisa through this platform. However, Chamisa has rejected this saying Polad is basically a group of Mnangagwa cheerleade­rs.

As part of the recommenda­tions made at its annual general meeting recently, the ZNCC noted that the standoff between the leaders of the two parties has crippled its operations.

“The obtaining political noise is weighing on business due to perceived country risk,” the ZNCC said in its recommenda­tions. “We recognise the presence of Polad, however, there must be genuine engagement of political parties — there must be commitment for dialogue from the two political protagonis­ts, Zanu PF and MDC-A.”

The business body’s call is apt given the prevailing desperate state of affairs. This includes a debilitati­ng liquidity crunch, fuel, cash and foreign currency shortages, dwindling investment inflows, plummeting capacity utilisatio­n, starvation and a weakening local currency that has resulted in inflation galloping past the 800% mark, which is the second highest globally only behind strife-torn Venezuela.

To add to these woes, is a restive workforce as evidenced by the strike by health workers which has lasted for more than two months over the demand of payment in foreign currency given the unstable local unit and threats by other civil servants to follow suit.

Given the nature of the crisis, political dialogue between Mnangagwa and Chamisa is pivotal. Long suffering Zimbabwean­s do not care about political grandstand­ing and petty point scoring by either side. They need food on the table, decent incomes in a currency that does not lose value on a regular basis and a roof over their heads.

The Polad platform, which is constitute­d by political rejects looking for relevance, is not the panacea to the country’s ills, especially if it does not involve the main opposition party, the MDC-A.

The benefits of dialogue were evident when the late former president Robert Mugabe and his nemesis, the late MDC founding president Morgan Tsvangirai agreed to form a Government of National Unity. Though it was far from perfect, it helped bring some stability to the country with capacity utilisatio­n going as high as 57% in 2011.

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