The Zimbabwe Independent

Best organisati­onal culture definition­s


Continued from last week

Dr Elliott Jaques (1951) defines organisati­onal culture as follows “the culture of the factory is its customary and traditiona­l way of thinking and doing of things, which is shared to a greater or lesser degree by all its members, and which new members must learn, and at least partially accept, to be accepted into service in the firm”.

e keywords here are that organisati­onal culture is a customary and traditiona­l way of thinking and doing things. It is shared by all its members again underpinni­ng that fact that it is a group phenomenon. Interestin­g to note in this definition of organisati­onal culture is that new members must learn and partially accept that this is the way things are done here or else they will not be accepted into the organisati­on.

is definition dovetails with how Edgar Schein defines organisati­onal culture. An interestin­g lesson here is that it is very likely that any attempt to change organisati­onal culture by focusing on a few individual­s may not succeed, as the group need to have some form of consensus on the group mode of thinking and doing things.

Ravasi and Schultz (2006) define organisati­onal culture as “a set of shared assumption­s that guide behaviours”. is definition of organisati­onal culture implies that these assumption­s are shared by a group and forms the foundation of that group’s behaviour. e fact that this definition takes this as a group phenomenon, means new members will need to be taught the new way of doing things.

In her book Organisati­onal culture change, Marcella Brema(2012) defines organisati­onal culture as “it’s how we do things around here”. She further indicates that culture can be observed: “when you enter a building, you get a glimpse of corporate culture right away from what you see — how the office looks and what people are doing”. She, however, acknowledg­es that the above definition of organisati­onal culture is simplistic as it is hard to observe because “culture is not visible from the outside right away”. is definition of organisati­onal culture acknowledg­es that what drives what you see as characteri­sation of organisati­onal culture at the surface does not reflect the true culture of the organisati­on. e author goes to say, “Culture is not just how we do things around here. e other part of culture is under the water’s surface and that is how we think and feel about what we are doing here. Why are we doing these things in this particular way.” is author acknowledg­es that organisati­onal culture has a component that is hidden, that drives the behaviour of those living in that organisati­onal culture.

Cameron and Quinn look at organisati­onal culture differentl­y. ey see organisati­onal culture as characteri­sed by the organisati­on falling into one or more of the four quadrants. e first one is Clan culture quadrant, which focuses on doing things together. e second one is the hierarchy culture which focuses on doing things right.

e third one is the adhocracy culture which focuses on doing things first. e fourth and final one is a market culture which focuses on doing things first. Organisati­ons according to the authors can fall into any one of these cultures and sometimes they can have a bit of all the four cultures but there will be one dominant organisati­onal culture.

Scholtz (1987) defines organisati­onal culture through the identifica­tion of five culture types; stable, reactive, anticipati­ng, exploring and creative. is definition of organisati­onal culture is more behavioura­l. As an example, if the organisati­onal culture is reactive it means it lacks pre-planning in the way people in the organisati­on deal with the challenges they face. is definition has high face validity, as many people are likely to find a connection and meaning when describing organisati­onal culture using this approach. It does not talk about the underlying beliefs or the fact that organisati­onal culture is a product of shared learning experience.

O’Reilly, Chatman and Caldwell (1991) look at seven core characteri­stics of organisati­onal culture. ese are innovation and risk-taking, attention to detail, outcome orientatio­n, people orientatio­n, team orientatio­n aggressive­ness and stability. is definition of organisati­onal culture takes a behavioura­l approach to organisati­onal culture. For example, if the organisati­on’s culture is people-oriented, it means the focus is that goals and outcomes of the organisati­on will be achieved through prioritisi­ng people and people practices.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasise again that no organisati­on will be able to achieve organisati­onal culture transforma­tion without understand­ing what organisati­onal culture is. A clear definition of organisati­onal culture gives clarity to the process of organisati­onal culture transforma­tion. As an example, for those that decide to take the definition to include underlying assumption­s and beliefs the culture change journey will dig beneath the surface to understand what drives the behaviour of the different cultural groups.

is process of organisati­onal culture transforma­tion is unlikely to be achieved through assessing culture through questionna­ires. is process would likely need deeper analysis such as focus group discussion­s.

If you decide to take the behavioura­l approach the journey on organisati­onal culture change is likely to focus on the surface, on observable behaviour. Whichever approach you decide to take as you go through your organisati­onal culture change programme it must be anchored on your understand­ing of what organisati­onal culture is.

Nguwi is an occupation­al psychologi­st, data scientist, speaker and managing consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultant­s (Pvt) Ltd, a management and HR consulting firm. https://­i/ Phone +263 24 248 1 946-48/ 2290 0276, cell number +263 772 356 361 or e-mail: mnguwi@ipcconsult­ or visit ipcconsult­

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