The Zimbabwe Independent

Ways to save money and nab last-minute flight deals


One of the best ways to save money on a flight is to plan ahead. But sometimes, you don’t have the luxury of advance notice.

Here’s how to find cheap last-minute flights, whether you’re traveling for a family emergency, a business trip on short notice or a spontaneou­s escape.

Use a flight map

Google Flights and Skyscanner have handy map tools that can help you find the cheapest flight.

If your destinatio­n is set in stone, use the map to compare fares at nearby airports as well. It may be cheaper to fly into a location a few hours away and rent a car to reach your final stop.

If your destinatio­n is open-ended — for a example “anywhere with a beach” — use the map to pick the most economical locale. Select your dates and home airport(s), and then scan the map for an affordable flight.

Google Flights will even show you potential destinatio­ns; all you need to do is pick your travel dates and interests, whether they be wildlife, food, beaches or nature.

Call the airline

A handful of airlines still offer bereavemen­t fares, which could help take the financial sting out of last-minute travel for a funeral.

To get the discount, you have to book the flight by phone and typically need to start travel within seven to 14 days. Be prepared to provide the name of the relative and the name and phone number of the relative’s doctor or funeral home.

Alaska Airlines, for example, will knock 10% off its published fares for passengers traveling due to the death of an immediate family member, according to Halley Knigge, a spokeswoma­n for the carrier. This also applies to Virgin America, which was acquired by Alaska Air Group.

Delta Air Lines and Air Canada also offer special rates for those traveling due to a death in the family.

However, there may be cheaper deals elsewhere, so compare the bereavemen­t rates with regular fares from other airlines using sites such as Kayak or Last Minute Travel.

Undesirabl­e hours

“Go on a red-eye or crack-of-dawn flight,” says Elizabeth Avery, the founder of the travel website Solo Trekker 4 U. These flights tend to have unfilled seats and often will be less expensive than midday flights.

A red-eye trip from the Washington,

D.C., area to San Diego, for example, was nearly $130 cheaper than other options for that route, according to a recent search for flights available within seven days.

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Tap your rewards

If you can’t find an affordable fare or skip the trip, consider redeeming credit card rewards or airline miles to subsidize your flight. — USATODAY.

 ??  ?? If your destinatio­n is set in stone, use the map to compare fares at nearby airports as well.
If your destinatio­n is set in stone, use the map to compare fares at nearby airports as well.

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