The Zimbabwe Independent

For the children of Zimbabwe

- Paul Themba Nyathi Paul Themba Nyathi is the Executive Director of Masakhanen­i Project Trust, a peace-building organisati­on in Matabelela­nd South.

AS a former freedom fighter and teacher, I often wonder what sort of Zimbabwe we are leaving for the next generation. What does the future hold? Is it brighter than it was when I was at the front of the class?

I fear not.

Our democracy is in tatters. Human rights abuses abound. Our economy is on its knees — and is getting worse. We do not even have our own currency.

We cannot just sit by and watch. As older (and presumably wiser) citizens, it is time we focused firmly on shaping a new nation, a country that can proudly call itself a democracy again, that embraces human rights and shuns corruption rather than embracing it — and where the sun shines brightly on our young people.

We have to turn our country into a place with a future, particular­ly for our young compatriot­s. If we do not, they may join the five-million or more Zimbabwean­s who already form the diaspora, scattered all over the world because of what is happening in their home country.

We have to start talking, now, about how to turn our nation back from the brink and how to begin shaping a new Zimbabwe.

The role of Africa

It may be controvers­ial to say this but I firmly believe there is a role for a number of multi-lateral fora in making a structured dialogue process happen inside Zimbabwe — in particular, the structures of Sadc and the Africa Union (AU).

Almost all the countries that make up these multilater­al forums have themselves waged war against colonialis­m and won. Many of them also have experience in negotiated settlement­s and can share their learning.

There are challenges, of course — not least of which is what I can only describe as arrogance on behalf of the Zimbabwean government. We have this “know-it-all” posture that is dismissive of other struggles and borders on extreme nationalis­m.

Some of our public representa­tives act as if the region owes us a favour because of the role we played in overthrowi­ng colonialis­m. There is exceptiona­lism about our history, which informs our posture towards our neighbours and which can be extremely unhelpful.

This results, for example, in a certain sterility in Sadc discussion­s, which has to be overcome.

Members of Sadc have learnt lessons of their own during their own recent histories and it is in their interests to suggest and nudge any credible process of dialogue that may be taking place.

The same applies with the AU. Zimbabwe’s problems are not unique to Zimbabwe or to Sadc. Many other AU members have gone through the turmoil we are experienci­ng and have somehow managed to turn things around.

We must all humble ourselves and learn.

But the reality is that, so far, we have not. Zimbabwe’s representa­tives can be exasperati­ng to deal with. Sadc representa­tives say that our “leaders” feel the region owes them because of Zimbabwe’s historic pride of having won a colonial war, opening the way for other liberation movements.

We need solidarity now, as we had in the 1970s and 1980s, not arrogance. We need true pan-Africanism, as we had in the 1970s and 1980s, not exceptiona­lism.

Our neighbours and the multilater­al forums that we participat­e in will have to come to terms with Zimbabwe’s public arrogance and find persuasive arguments that reinforce the importance of a credible national dialogue process.

Is it possible? We have to make it possible. We have to initiate meaningful dialogue inside and outside Zimbabwe.

We have to get everyone involved — our neighbours and the multi-lateral forums outside the country as well as power blocs inside the country.

Meaningful dialogues

One thing is very clear: we need to begin meaningful dialogues between the key constituen­cies inside Zimbabwe.

It is encouragin­g that some sectors in business are beginning to recognise this, as are constituen­cies such as the churches and other civic society formations.

But in my view, the real dialogue that needs to take place is the one between the two principals that have built up political capital over time: Zanu PF and MDC Alliance.

We need genuine dialogue between these two political formations if we are to truly resolve the challenges we face. This requires a pact, an agreement on a common future, and a determinat­ion to work together to get there.

Granted, the political parties alone cannot solve all the problems we face. Ideally, we should have as broad a tent as possible that serves as a home for all those committed to dialogue. All sectors of society should be involved: firstly, to ensure its credibilit­y, but secondly — and more importantl­y — to ensure its success.

But it has to start with the politician­s.

I write this knowing that we already have a number of parallel processes going on in our country. For every initiative that is set up, there is an attempt by the ruling party to either mirror or co-opt it. That does not make it easy to identify “credible” or “legitimate” initiative­s.

But that does not mean we should not try.

The youth

There is undoubtedl­y a role for young Zimbabwean­s in all this and we should be investing a lot of energy and intellectu­al capital to ensure young people have their voices heard and are organisati­onally strong.

We should start by acknowledg­ing that we have not invested enough time in moving people towards an inclusive and democratic culture.

There must be constant reminders of the true meaning of our Constituti­on, of constituti­onalism and the importance of the rule of law.

We have to act quickly and the voices and aspiration­s of young people must come through clearly as we begin to dialogue our way out of the mess and shaping a new future.

After all, the future is their inheritanc­e and our legacy.

Let us not disappoint the youth of Zimbabwe. Let us begin focusing now on a future with meaning. Let it be a call to action for Zanu PF, the MDCAllianc­e, Sadc, the AU and anyone else who has the real interests of Zimbabwe at heart.

 ??  ?? The country does not have its own currency.
The country does not have its own currency.
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