The Zimbabwe Independent

Behind media’s fear to talk about sexual harassment

- Melanie Walker media expert

THE eve of Internatio­nal Women’s Day presents an opportunit­y for us to think about gender equality and the long and often frustratin­g march toward societies that are truly equal.

As media, we are uniquely placed to drive forward this reflection and discussion. But while focusing on the challenges of gender in society, we owe it to our staff and the communitie­s we serve to also take a hard look at the obstacles within our own organisati­ons.

I am talking specifical­ly about the scourge of sexual harassment. It is likely to have happened in your newsroom. It has likely happened to a member of your team. It happens to all genders, but is disproport­ionately directed at women. It happens in every industry, regardless of country, culture or context. This is because sexual harassment is driven by power, not sex. Wherever you have imbalances in power, you have individual­s who are at risk of sexual harassment, and those who abuse this power.

I have been sexually harassed. The many journalist­s and editors, friends and family members, who I have spoken to over the years on this subject have also been harassed. Yet it is still hard for leaders to recognise that this could be happening within their newsrooms and boardrooms. Why does it continue to be such a taboo?

Counting cost of sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is, simply put, bad for business. It can harm your corporate reputation. It is a drain on the productivi­ty of staff and managers. Maintainin­g and building trust in your brand is an absolute imperative for media organisati­ons globally. If and when a case gets out of control or is badly handled — this can directly impact your bottom line.

It is for this reason that WAN-IFRA Women in News has put eliminatin­g sexual harassment as a top priority in our work around gender equality in the media sector. This might seem at odds with the current climate where social interactio­ns are fewer and remote work scenarios are in place in many newsrooms and businesses. But one only needs to tune into the news to know that the abuse of power, manifested as verbal, physical or online harassment, is alive and well.

Preliminar­y results from an ongoing Women in News research study into the issue of sexual harassment polling hundreds of journalist­s in sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia indicate that more than one in three women media profession­als have been physically harassed, and just under 50% have been verbally harassed. Just over 15% of men in African newsrooms reported being physically harassed, and slightly less than one in four reports being verbally harassed. The numbers for male media profession­als in southeast Asia are slightly higher than a quarter on both forms of harassment.

The first step in confrontin­g sexual harassment is to talk about it. We need to strip away the stigma and discomfort around having open conversati­ons about what sexual harassment is and is not. Media managers, it is entirely in your power to create dynamics in your own teams that are free from sexual harassment. Publishers and CEOs, you set the organisati­onal culture in your media company. By being vocal in recognisin­g that it happens everywhere, and communicat­ing to your employees that you will not tolerate sexual harassment of any kind, you send a powerful message to your teams, and publicly.

With these actions, you will help us overcome the legacy of silence around this topic, and in doing so take an important first step to create media environmen­ts that truly embrace equality.

Walker is Executive Director of Media Developmen­t of the World Associatio­n of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA). She is a creator of Women in News, WAN-IFRA’s ground-breaking programme to increase women’s leadership and voices in the news. It does so by equipping women journalist­s and editors with the skills, strategies, and support networks to take on greater leadership positions within their media. www.womeninnew­

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The first step in confrontin­g sexual harassment is to talk about it.
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