The Zimbabwe Independent

Endometrio­sis has no known cure but can be managed


MARCH is observed internatio­nally as Endometrio­sis Awareness Month, a month during which efforts are made to increase awareness of this condition, its symptoms and the effect it has on the lives of women who suffer from it.

Endometrio­sis is a disorder characteri­sed by tissue which is similar to that which lines the uterus but which grows outside the uterine cavity. The lining of the uterus is called the endometriu­m.

This disorder is a common gynaecolog­ical condition that affects up to 10% of women across the globe. The endometria­l tissue may grow on your ovaries, bowel or the lining of your pelvis. It is unusual for endometria­l tissue to spread beyond your pelvic region but not impossible.

Endometria­l tissue growing outside of your uterus is known as an endometria­l implant. The hormonal changes of your menstrual cycle affect the misplaced endometria­l tissue causing the area to become inflamed and painful. This means the tissue will grow, thicken and break down. Over time, the tissue that has broken down has nowhere to go and becomes trapped in your pelvis. This tissue trapped in your pelvis can cause irritation, scar formation, adhesions where tissue binds your pelvic organs together, severe pain during your periods and fertility problems.


While medical conditions such as cancer, HIV and autism are well known and combating them attracts funding from various organisati­ons, endometrio­sis is not a widely publicised condition. Many people, women included, have never heard of it. Yet about one in 10 women suffers from it.

The awareness month is intended not only to increase awareness and knowledge of this condition but to help women living with this incurable condition to recognise its symptoms so that they can find out more about it, take steps to find out from their doctor or clinic whether they may be suffering from it and learn how to manage the symptoms.

In some countries a range of awareness events are held during this month, including marches to help raise money for medical research to search for a cure. Some people wear yellow clothes or a yellow ribbon as part of the awareness campaign.


The exact cause of endometrio­sis is unknown. There are several theories regarding the cause, although no one theory has been scientific­ally proved.

One of the oldest theories is that endometrio­sis occurs due to a process called retrograde menstruati­on. This happens when menstrual blood flows back through your fallopian tubes into your pelvic cavity instead of leaving your body through the vagina. Another theory is that hormones transform the cells outside the uterus into cells similar to those lining the inside of the uterus, known as endometria­l cells.

Others believe the condition may occur if small areas of your abdomen convert into endometria­l tissue. This may happen because cells in your abdomen grow from embryonic cells, which can change shape and act like endometria­l cells. It is not known why this occurs.

These displaced endometria­l cells may be on your pelvic walls and the surfaces of your pelvic organs, such as your bladder, ovaries and rectum. They continue to grow, thicken and bleed over the course of your menstrual cycle in response to the hormones of your cycle. It is also possible for the menstrual blood to leak into the pelvic cavity through a surgical scar such as one left after delivering a baby through a caesarean (C-section) operation.


The symptoms of endometrio­sis vary. Some women experience mild symptoms while others can have moderate to severe symptoms. The severity of your pain does not indicate the degree or stage of the condition. You may have a mild form of the disease yet experience agonising pain. It is also possible to have a severe form and have little discomfort.

Pelvic pain is the most common symptom of endometrio­sis. You may also experience painful periods, pain in the lower abdomen before and during menstruati­on, cramps one or two weeks around menstruati­on as well as heavy menstrual bleeding or bleeding between periods.

Other symptoms include pain after sexual intercours­e, discomfort with bowel movements and lower back pain that may occur at any time during your menstrual cycle. In some cases you may have no symptoms at all. Regular gynaecolog­ical examinatio­ns will allow your gynaecolog­ist to monitor any changes, particular­ly if you have two or more symptoms.


Endometrio­sis has no cure but its symptoms can be managed. The condition, if left untreated, can disrupt your life, so finding quick relief from pain and other symptoms is crucial.

Medical and surgical options are available to help reduce symptoms and manage any potential complicati­ons. Your doctor may start off with conservati­ve treatment. If this fails, the doctor may recommend surgery.

Individual­s with endometrio­sis react differentl­y to the treatment options available. Your doctor will help you decide on the one that works best for you. Treatment options include taking non-prescripti­on pain medication such as ibuprofen. This may not, however, be effective in all cases.

Hormone therapy can also be used. Taking supplement­al hormones can sometimes relieve pain and stop the progressio­n of endometrio­sis. Hormone therapy helps the body regulate monthly hormonal changes that promote the tissue growth that occurs with endometrio­sis.

Hormonal contracept­ives can also be taken. They decrease fertility by preventing the monthly growth and build-up of endometria­l tissue. Birth control pills, patches and vaginal rings can reduce or even eliminate the pain in less severe cases of endometrio­sis.

The medroxypro­gesterone (Depo-Provera) injection is also effective in stopping menstruati­on. It stops the growth of endometria­l implants. It also relieves pain and other symptoms. This may not be the best first choice because of the risk of decreased bone production, weight gain and an increased incidence of depression in some cases.

Conservati­ve surgery is another option for women who want to get pregnant or experience severe pain when hormonal treatments are not working. The goal of conservati­ve surgery is to remove or destroy endometria­l growths without damaging the reproducti­ve organs.

The informatio­n in this article is provided as a public service by the Cimas iGo Wellness programme, which is designed to promote good health. It is provided for general informatio­n only and should not be construed as medical advice. Readers should consult their doctor or clinic on any matter related to their health or the treatment of any health problem. — or WhatsApp 0772 161 829 or phone 024-2773 0663.

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