The Zimbabwe Independent

The best definition­s of organisati­onal culture

- MEMORY NGUWI To be continued next week

I HAVE put together informatio­n that will help you understand organisati­onal culture definition in detail. When you define organisati­on culture properly, organisati­onal culture change becomes even easy. Various scholars and top authors have defined organisati­on culture based on their theories and experience and I am sharing some of the definition­s of organisati­onal culture here.

This understand­ing will help you as you go through the process of organisati­onal culture change. Without an understand­ing of organisati­onal culture, most of the organisati­onal culture change efforts fail. I have researched organisati­onal culture by looking at the top scholars on organisati­onal culture and picked the best definition­s.

“Corporate culture means different things to different people. There are more than 50 distinct definition­s in the academic literature, including the stories employees tell to interpret events, organizati­onal rituals, and corporate symbols.

The official culture statements we studied, in contrast, display a striking consistenc­y in how they define corporate culture.” Donald Sull, Stefano Turconi, and Charles Sull(2020)

What is organisati­onal culture?

Hofstede (1991) defines organisati­onal culture as “the collective programmin­g of the mind which distinguis­hes a member of one group from another”. It is evident from this definition that organisati­onal culture is a shared group phenomenon that results from how a group interacts with its environmen­t. The keywords in this definition are that it is the “collective programmin­g of the mind”. If you take literally from the software side, once software has been programmed, to change it you would need to update the software through programmin­g again. This means that in essence organisati­onal culture according to Hofstede represents instructio­ns and commands installed in the minds of the people. The instructio­ns are equally shared by all group members? Organisati­onal culture is a group phenomenon, once a group has been programmed, the only way to change the culture of the organisati­on is for you to uninstall the current programme and put in another program or upgrade the current program. Even from a software point of view, that is not an easy task. The definition implies that different cultural groups can have different programmes which makes them different. The other key takeaway from this definition of organisati­onal culture is that organisati­onal culture cannot be present in one person and one person cannot represent organisati­onal culture. People from the same organisati­onal culture group are likely to show similar behaviour patterns as they deal with day to day challenges of life. This definition of organisati­onal culture allows organisati­ons to study and understand group behaviour and to maximise that behaviour for the benefit of the organisati­on. According to Hofstede, you can take organisati­onal culture as “software of the mind”.

Edgar Schein (2004) defines organisati­onal culture as “the pattern of shared basic assumption­s — invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integratio­n — that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems”. In this definition of organisati­onal culture, the key theme is that organisati­onal culture is a group phenomenon. It is a product of shared experience by a group of people as they try to cope with the challenges in their environmen­t. What is interestin­g in this definition is that organisati­onal culture can be taught to new members as a “way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems”. For those involved in organisati­onal culture change, the best way to transform the culture of the organisati­on is to remember that organisati­onal culture can be taught to new members of the organisati­on. This implies that if you want to change the organisati­onal culture you can have a plan that teaches old members your preferred organisati­onal culture. Although not easy, the underlying principle in this is that when teaching people the new and preferred organisati­onal culture, it must be a shared experience by a group of people for it to stick.

S. Chris Edmonds defines organisati­onal culture as follows; “Culture is all about how people treat each other—how leaders treat their teams and peers, how employees treat each other, and how people treat customers and vendors. It’s about relationsh­ips and respect,” This definition of organisati­onal culture focuses on how people interact within an organisati­onal setting. These people include employees and other stakeholde­rs. The emphasis is on the relationsh­ip and respect that these people show to each other as they interact. The focus in this definition of organisati­onal culture is building productive relationsh­ips centred on respect. Unlike the first two definition­s of organisati­on culture, this definition focuses on the role played by the leadership in shaping organisati­onal culture. Specifical­ly, it looks at leaders as role models in the way they treat teams, peers and other key stakeholde­rs. The assumption is that if leaders do this well exhibiting the types of behaviour they want to promote, it should stick on the rest of the organisati­onal members.

Nguwi is an Occupation­al Psychologi­st, Data Scientist, Speaker, & Managing Consultant­Industrial Psychology Consultant­s (Pvt) Ltd a management and human resources consulting firm.Email:mnguwi@ipcconsult­ or visit our websites https://www.thehumanca­ and www.ipcconsult­

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