The Zimbabwe Independent

‘Don’t cause Zambian wildlife loss’

- Emmanuel Koro Journalist

The president of the Zambia National Community Resources Board Associatio­n (ZNCRBA) George Tembo has said the British government’s recent announceme­nt to ban internatio­nal trophy hunting imports from Africa will inevitably cause loss of Zambia’s wildlife.

Tembo said the Boris Johnson administra­tion should not proceed with the Bill.

According to the British government’s Environmen­t Secretary George Eustice, the ban will apply to imports of hunting trophies from endangered and threatened animals worldwide, including Africa’s big five (lion, leopard, rhino, elephant and buffalo).

Tembo described the ban as “not fair enough for us African hunting communitie­s because internatio­nal hunting revenue is adding value to wildlife and habitat conservati­on and socioecono­mic developmen­t.”

“If today we ban hunting we will become poorer, losing both wildlife and its habitat,” he said, urging the British government to discontinu­e the Bill that prohibits trophy hunting imports. “The more we give people benefits from internatio­nal hunting revenue the more we can fight and reduce poaching.”

To prove this, Tembo said that Zambia’s Sandwe Chiefdom is a good example to demonstrat­e negative impacts of banning hunting.

“I can give you a practical example of our West Betauke Game Management Area under Sandwe Chiefdom located, 500 km from the country’s capital city Lusaka, where government banned hunting for five years and what happened is that we lost more and more wildlife and resources(natural resources) to poachers,” he said. “We had no resources to pay community game scouts to fight against poachers. We said this hunting ban is getting us nowhere. We must bring back hunting (which funds salaries for game scouts). Then we negotiated with the government for the return to internatio­nal hunting in our area. With hunting back, wildlife population­s are increasing. We have elephant, antelope, kudu, crocodile and hippos.”

Tembo said that throughout Zambia’s hunting communitie­s, internatio­nal hunting revenue is significan­tly supporting wildlife and habitat conservati­on, including socio-economic developmen­t.

“Internatio­nal hunting revenue is improving community livelihood­s,” said Tembo. “In Sandwe Community where I come from, it has supported about 17 community public infrastruc­tures since 2016. We have built and improved health facilities, schools, community houses and paid cash directly to vulnerable communitie­s.”

He said that the safari operators whom they work with have also improved and built different types of community infrastruc­ture, including the constructi­on of community game scouts’ houses.

Tembo noted that the Zambian communitie­s were also using internatio­nal hunting revenue to reduce hunger by procuring agricultur­al production equipment and inputs.

“Agricultur­al inputs have been bought and people are having bumper harvests,” said Tembo. “The inputs are drought resistant and help vulnerable people to do farming. We also are coming up with lodges and fish farming using internatio­nal hunting revenue as a way of improving community livelihood­s. I absolutely want internatio­nal hunting to continue because it really adds value to socioecono­mic developmen­t.”

The British government is an active supporter of the United Nations’ Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs) that among other things seek to eradicate poverty, poor health and achieve environmen­t and wildlife conservati­on in the next eight years by 2030. Ironically, the Bill to ban trophy hunting imports which include Africa’s big five works against the key UN

SDGs such as poverty eradicatio­n and environmen­tal conservati­on in Africa’ hunting communitie­s.

“Before being employed as a driver in Zambia’s Mulobeza Game Management Area in the elephant overpopula­ted Kavango-Zambezi Transfront­ier Area where Angola, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe share the same borders, I could not provide for my family needs,” said Reuben Shamabi. “However, from the time I started this job it has really improved my life. All my family’s socioecono­mic conditions have improved. My family is benefiting from my 15-year employment as a hunting community driver. I built a house, bought cattle and household property. I pay for my family’s medical bills and I am able to send my children to school.”

These are the promising poverty alleviatio­n signs in Zambia and other African hunting communitie­s that the British government is needlessly taking away from African hunting communitie­s. Therefore, if implemente­d the trophy hunting imports ban Bill will contribute to the failure to achieve the much publicised UN SDGs by 2030.

Internatio­nal hunting benefits have been misreprese­nted to the British government by the animal rights groups fundraisin­g industry that it, like most Western government­s, has tragically chosen to use as its reliable source of informatio­n on internatio­nal hunting.

The UN internatio­nal wild trade regulating agency Cites allows hunting of endangered species that include Africa’s big five as a scientific wildlife management measure. The British government is a member of Cites. It’s move to introduce a Bill that bans trophy hunting imports suggests that it opposes Cites’s use of hunting as a scientific wildlife management tool.

Cites allows hunting of all wildlife, including endangered wildlife as long as it’s not harmful to the hunted population and acknowledg­es hunting as a necessary wildlife management tool.

Hunting doesn’t have a detrimenta­l impact on wildlife as only 0,5-3% of the population is hunted

Old wildlife bulls that are no longer of reproducti­ve value are the ones that get hunted. When the old male predators are no longer able to actively hunt their own prey, they start moving into rural communitie­s for easy prey that includes humans and livestock. This increases human-wildlife conflict. That’s the other reason why such animals need to be cropped out.

According to the 1997 World Wide Fund For Nature Quota Setting Manual, the main purpose of a quota is to identify the number of animals that can be put down without reducing the population. Normally the offtake rate is fixed either equal to or slightly lower than the growth rate. In this way, while the growth in population size may be slowed down, the total number of animals in the population does not fall. The quota can therefore be considered sustainabl­e.

Trophy hunting is often incorrectl­y confused with the poaching that is currently devastatin­g many species including elephant and rhino.

However, trophy hunting typically takes place as a legal, regulated activity under programmes implemente­d by government wildlife agencies, protected area managers, indigenous and local community bodies, private landowners, or conservati­on/ developmen­t organisati­ons.

Internatio­nal hunting revenue is additional­ly used to raise awareness on environmen­tal conservati­on.

“We are also using internatio­nal hunting revenue to raise community awareness on water and forests and the species in it,” said Tembo. “This, together with hunting benefits is significan­tly helping to promote wildlife and habitat conservati­on in Zambian hunting communitie­s.”

Koro is a Johannesbu­rg-based internatio­nal award-winning independen­t environmen­tal journalist who writes and has written extensivel­y on environmen­t and developmen­t issues in Africa

 ?? ?? Trophy hunting is often incorrectl­y confused with the poaching that is currently devastatin­g many species including elephant and rhino.
Trophy hunting is often incorrectl­y confused with the poaching that is currently devastatin­g many species including elephant and rhino.
 ?? ?? Africa’s big five
Africa’s big five
 ?? ??

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