The Zimbabwe Independent




A man is eating nothing but raw meat for 78 days in a bizarre experiment to see if he lives, dies or contracts a grisly disease - but so far, he says he's never felt better

While some of us have been attempting veganuary, and more people than ever are turning to veggie meals in a bid to help the planet and save animals - one Instagram user has gone in the opposite direction.

The US man has shockingly challenged himself to eat raw meat alone for 78 days to find out whether or not he will survive.

He previously ate a plantbased diet but claimed to suffer from health issues because of it.

So instead, he's been training his stomach to digest nothing but uncooked meat, including organs and he washes it down with raw animal milk and raw eggs.

He claims his favourite meals include chicken breast, steak and swordfish and so far he's managed to avoid severe food poisoning.

But worryingly he is risking contractin­g E. coli, salmonella and Shigella.

He also faces further health issues if he fails to eat fruit and vegetables, including constipati­on, haemorrhoi­ds and even scurvy.

Posting stomach-churning photos of himself biting into raw flesh, the man has amassed a following online as they wait to see the effects of his bizarre diet.

His Instagram page @therawmeat­experiment has 63.6k followers, and the bio explains: "Eating raw meat at Whole Foods every day until I die from bacteria

"Seeing if I Live for 5 days or 500 years."

He ate a steak raw without chewing it

His 'caveman' diet has also seen him tuck into cow liver and camel milk and tearing into a steak with his teeth.

"No chewing involved, you can basically just place the cow flesh in your mouth and swallow it," he explained. — Mirror.Co.Uk. „ BUNCHEMS BATTLE

A mum named Lisa Tschirlig Hoelzle has taken to Facebook to share the brutal 20-hour long battle she faced attempting to remove Bunchems from her daughter's hair

We have recently heard how one stressed parent spent six hours attempting to get Bunchems out of her daughter's hair.

But now one mum has revealed how she spent a gruelling 20 hours trying to save her daughter's 'matted' hair.

Lisa Tschirlig Hoelzle has taken to Facebook to share the ordeal she faced after her little one got 150 of the sticky toys stuck in her locks. In a viral post that was originally shared last year, but has recently resurfaced online, the American mum wrote: "Friday at 4pm until Saturday at 10pm was my worst Mom nightmare to date!!!

"Abigail and Noah got done virtual school and went in the basement to play, about 10 minutes later Noah comes running up to tell me that Abigail had something stuck in her hair . . . then she came up! I think I had an out of body experience.

"Apparently, Noah had poured a container of Bunchems on Abigail’s head being a jokester. We have had these for years but rarely play with them. — Mirror.Co.Uk.

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