The Zimbabwe Independent

Turning agronomy dwarfs into giants

- Eddington Gororo ACADEMIC Gororo is an agricultur­ist, scientist and academic working for Chinhoyi University of Technology. He is also a regular member of the Coalition of Ag ricultural Graduates of Zimbabwe (CA GOZ) and its affiliate, the Zimbabwe Ag ric

This article was prompted by a column that appeared in the business weekly, The Zimbabwe Independen­t of January 28, 2022, titled ‘Agronomist dwarfs in huge robes’

In the article agronomist­s were undermined and undressed. The article was based on personal experience­s of the writer with agronomist­s. I will assume that the writer, Kudakwashe Gwabanayi is a Christian because he quoted the bible in his opinion piece. I wish to encourage Gwabanayi to pray more, or fast more, whichever pleases him or makes the Lord hear his prayers so that he becomes lucky and meets a good agronomist in his field of endeavour because they are there.

Sure, Gwabanayi must have one or two success stories about agronomist­s but unfortunat­ely he decided to ignore them. Our minister, Dr Anxious Masuka is a graduate of agricultur­e and has done wonders for himself and the country in the short space of time he has taken over the ministry. The permanent secretary is a renowned agricultur­ist who was employed in the private sector working for Seed Co.

It is therefore not debatable that agricultur­e is a noble profession. In the hierarchy of needs, food is basic and indispensa­ble. Agricultur­al training is meant to impart the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude for graduates to organise and convert production resources - land, labour and capital – into food, feed, fibre and industry raw materials.

The land reform programme that started at the beginning of this millennium changed the face of agricultur­e in Zimbabwe. The programme failed to prioritise the country’s trained and experience­d agricultur­e human capital in land allocation. As a result, those trained in the science and practice of agricultur­e lack access to the most important resource for their trade, the land.

However, they still have a lot to contribute in the agricultur­e value chain. They can be allocated their own pieces of land to farm, work as farm managers, or enter joint ventures and partnershi­ps with landholder­s. Some of the most productive commercial farms are run by or enlist the services of profession­als.

Some landholder­s do not seem to value the expertise and experience of profession­al agricultur­ists. Resistance to the government directive for all A2 farms to engage profession­al farm managers is evident among farmers.

In that piece, the writer, a journalist-cum-farmer, criticises profession­al agricultur­ists as lacking commitment, loyalty and honesty, and causing huge losses for farm businesses. He used his experience­s with a total of six crop scientists to justify his loss of confidence in agricultur­al profession­als.

While admitting existence of good agronomist­s, the author submits that it is rare to get the full package in a new farm manager. One profession­al may be good at planning, but poor at execution. Another may be good at planting and managing the crop, and clueless about harvesting and getting it to the market. And yet another may be very sharp with postharves­t and marketing.

His advice to other farmers is to stop engaging farm managers, or to engage them on a pay-per-visit arrangemen­t. The author ended the article by venting his frustratio­ns at local agricultur­ists, describing them as “dwarfs in huge robes”.

As a member of the Coalition of Agricultur­al Graduates of Zimbabwe (CAGOZ), whose call on social media prompted the article, I have listened to colleagues’ conversati­ons and experience­s on the farms. Some stories make interestin­g reading while others are depressing.

Employment terms for managers and other profession­als on most farms can be described as exploitati­ve. Complaints about ill-treatment, poor remunerati­on, failure by farmers to deliver on their promises, and acrimoniou­s dismissals are too numerous to chronicle.

I have heard of farm managers that were fired, often on trumped up charges, once the crop was now ready for the market. That way, the farmer would be running away from paying the manager his dues in production bonus, or a share of the profit. In some instances, farmers expect managers to produce without resources, leading to frustratio­ns. Other managers complain that farmers use their relatives on the farm to police and frustrate them.

There seems to be a lot of distrust between the current crop of farmers and farm management profession­als. Such employer-employee relations point to the need for greater representa­tion, cooperatio­n and organisati­on of the profession. The farmers need to appreciate and appropriat­ely remunerate these profession­als for their services and expertise. On their side, profession­als and experts must honour their side of the bargain by being versatile, tolerant and results oriented. Managers are employed to solve problems and navigate through huddles to reach the business’ end-goal, even under seemingly difficult circumstan­ces.

The world is evolving in terms of production conditions, production systems, technology, legislatio­n and market requiremen­ts. Continued profession­al developmen­t post-college is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Graduates who remain stuck with today’s knowledge and technology will find it difficult to deal with emerging challenges and exploit new opportunit­ies in the future.

CAGOZ was founded in 2017 and registered in 2018 under the Deeds Registries Act (Chapter 20.05) as a membership associatio­n for agricultur­e profession­als in Zimbabwe. In 2020, the associatio­n was registered as a pro-farmer organisati­on with the Ministry of Lands, Agricultur­e, Water and Rural Developmen­t. CAGOZ was founded for the purpose of harnessing the country’s agricultur­al brain power and scientific expertise in order to build highly productive, profitable and sustainabl­e farm businesses for a food secure nation.

The associatio­n seeks to bring vibrancy on commercial farms, create employment, and make the country food secure through effective utilisatio­n of land, resources and the agricultur­al graduate constituen­cy. Members benefit from the associatio­n’s activities through representa­tion, continued profession­al developmen­t, and strategic alliances and partnershi­ps with industry stakeholde­rs.

Partnershi­ps forged include arrangemen­ts related to financing, leases, joint ventures and contract production. These activities are meant to unlock the value and potential of the country’s God given lands and natural resources.

Contrary to the negative criticism of CAGOZ in the article highlighte­d above, the associatio­n envisions a proactive and nationally recognised profession­al organisati­on committed to ensuring distinctiv­e competence of its members for a competitiv­e and sustainabl­e agricultur­e sector. Members are capacitate­d to proactivel­y address emerging opportunit­ies and challenges in agricultur­e in Zimbabwe.

By turning agricultur­al dwarfs into giants, who can deliver under whatever circumstan­ces, value is delivered not only to the profession­als, but also to farmers, and benefits cascade to other value-chain actors and the entire industry. This way, agricultur­e could become a win-win situation for all.

 ?? ?? Some of the most productive commercial farms are run by or enlist the services of profession­als.
Some of the most productive commercial farms are run by or enlist the services of profession­als.
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