The Zimbabwe Independent



In terms of Section 2 of the Mines and Minerals Act (Chapter 21:05), the ownership, control, exploitati­on and disposal of all minerals, mineral oils and natural gases is vested in the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. It is the responsibi­lity of the President, through the Ministry of Mines and Mining Developmen­t, the Mining A airs Board and all department­s in that Ministry to ensure that the exploitati­on of mining locations bene ts the country, beginning with the communitie­s in which the mining operations are conducted. The Mines and Minerals Act has a framework that seeks to protect mining locations against mining houses that engage in sterilisat­ion and monopoly activities in the guise of mining operations. Be that as it may, some communitie­s still encounter the “resource curse”, where the community in which mining activity takes place has nothing to show for minerals extracted except remnants of mining operations, massive land degradatio­n and negative environmen­tal impact.

This article seeks to analyse the su ciency of the protection framework provided for in the Mines and Minerals Act under the “Use It or Lose it Policy”. The article also makes recommenda­tions for the amendment of the Act, so as to promote transparen­cy, accountabi­lity, and

nancial bene t in the decision to issue expropriat­ion orders, and the subsequent tender process of selling the expropriat­ed mining locations.

The Government, through the Ministry of Mines and Mining Developmen­t, has embarked on expanding the mining industry to US$12 billion by 2023. To achieve this target the Government has sought to rigorously implement the “Use It or Lose it Policy” (the Policy), as it is one of the key enablers. The Policy aims to free up vast tracts of mining locations that have been sterilised for speculativ­e purposes, and to increase mining operations in these locations. Sterilisat­ion of mining locations is the loss of access to mineral resources due to the use of land for the developmen­t of activities that prevent their exploratio­n or exploitati­on.

Although this Policy is a noble idea its implementa­tion is fraught with di culties, as the Government is not always able to successful­ly expropriat­e unutilised mining locations. Some mining houses have held on to title of mining locations from as far back as the 1960s, more by reason of paying inspection fees and less due to real mining activity.

It is necessary to re ne the provisions in the Mines and Minerals Act so as to ensure that the implementa­tion of the “Use It or Lose it Policy” is transparen­t and economical­ly bene cial.

Part XXIII of the Mines and Minerals Act deals exclusivel­y with the expropriat­ion of mining locations are unutilised. The Part begins by de ning the concept of “expropriat­ed location” to mean a mining location which has been transferre­d to the Minister and registered in his name, while “order” is de ned as an order of expropriat­ion.

Section 320 empowers any person who believes that a registered mining location is unutilised to submit a written report to the Mining Commission­er upon payment of the $400 ling fee. The Mining Commission­er is mandated to obtain a report from the Government Mining Engineer on the matter. The section also authorises the Mining

Commission­er to seek a report from the Government Mining Engineer on his own cognisance or by reason of the initial report. Having received the report from the Government Mining Engineer, the Mining Commission­er must refer it to the Mining A airs Board (the Board). In turn, section 321 requires the Board to inquire into the history of the mining location and investigat­e the mining activities being conducted there in order to ascertain if the mining location is adequately utilised or not.

Section 322 mandates the Board to give the registered holder of an unutilised mining location to show cause why such location should not be expropriat­ed, thus observing the rules of natural justice to hear the other side, prior to making a decision.

Under section 323, the Board may recommend that the President makes an order for expropriat­ion of the mining location after hearing the registered holder’s representa­tions. The Section has conditions that the Board may consider in favour of the registered holder to prevent expropriat­ion, which the courts have held that there need only exist one. This is where the bane of the Policy lies. Firstly, the failure to utilise the mining location may be due to causes beyond the control of the registered holder, and he has made every e ort to overcome such causes. Next, the registered holder must intend to commence or continue utilising the mining location within six months, and the Board must be satis ed with the proposed scale of the work. The registered holder may also state that the location is essential to other mining operations that he is conducting, and will be utilised in due course. The registered holder may state that there is a reasonable basis for the delay in utilising the mining location. Lastly, the registered holder may state that the location forms part of a series of not more than ten blocks contiguous to a main block being utilised by him, and is essential to the proper working of such main block.

After the Board has completed its investigat­ion and has satis ed itself that there is a case for an expropriat­ion order for the unutilised mining location, it will proceed to recommend the expropriat­ion order to the President, together with the documents setting out the grounds for its recommenda­tions.

Once the President receives the report, he may require the Board to make further enquiries or request that the registered holder appear before him to make additional representa­tions. If the President is satis ed that the mining location is not being utilised, he may make an order that it be expropriat­ed. The expropriat­ion order is then published in the Government Gazette and also sent to the registered holder of the mining location and the Mining Commission­er of the district where the mining location is situated.

Once expropriat­ion has been successful the Mining Commission­er transfers the mining location to the Minister in terms of Section 325. The Board is empowered by Section 327 to then sell the expropriat­ed location.

An analysis of section 327 reveals that the sale process is not transparen­t, and is open to abuse and manipulati­on. There is need to expand the provisions by including the conditions under which the sale is to be conducted, so as to provide prospectiv­e investors with clear, consistent, concise, and ascertaina­ble guidelines.

Section 327 further compounds an already unfavourab­le situation by not mandating the Board to accept the highest bid, even after inviting tenders for expropriat­ed mining locations by publicatio­n in the Government Gazette and newspaper. Section 328 also empowers the Minister to transfer the mining location to any person for no valuable considerat­ion on recommenda­tion of the Board.

Through sections 327 and 328, the law shoots itself in the foot by aprobating and reprobatin­g from the spirit of the legislatur­e in formulatin­g these provisions. These provisions are contrary to the Government’s policy to expand the mining industry to US$12 billion by 2023, and therefore have no place in an economical­ly justi able society. The provisions must be amended to have criteria for selecting winning tenders that is primarily based on the nancial capacity as well as technical expertise of bidders to ensure maximum utilisatio­n and productivi­ty of the expropriat­ed mining location.

Section 329 provides that compensati­on be paid by the Board to the registered holder from the proceeds of sale of the expropriat­ed mining location, less costs incurred relating to the sale.

The spirit of the Policy is a good one in that there is need for provisions in the law that provide for expropriat­ion of unutilised mining locations, thereby safeguardi­ng against sterilisat­ion of mining locations and hogging the same for speculativ­e purposes.

However, in its current form, the Policy does not augur well for the investment perception of the country. There has been a clarion call to re ne Part XXIII to move in line with internatio­nal trends and increase issues of transparen­cy and accountabi­lity for the tender process of expropriat­ed mining locations, the selection of winning bids as well as valuation of mining locations to ascertain not only an economical selling price, but also to determine fair compensati­on to be paid to the registered holder of the expropriat­ed mining location. Expropriat­ion underpins the principle of public interest and in exceptiona­l circumstan­ces this will promote an investment friendly environmen­t if the implementa­tion of the Policy does not amount to arbitrary deprivatio­n of property. Ultimately, the law ought to strike a balance between various stakeholde­rs, starting with ensuring that mining activities uplift the livelihood­s of the communitie­s where the mining locations are, ensuring that the registered holder whose mining location is expropriat­ed receives fair compensati­on, and nally, that the winning tender does in fact pay an amount that re ects the true market value of the mining location, which also takes into account the future success of mining operations. The ongoing amendment of the Mines and Minerals Act should therefore be backed by adequate consultati­ons of all stakeholde­rs so as to cater for their various interests.

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