The Zimbabwe Independent

Glimpse of manufactur­ing sector

- piggy’s trading & investing tips Matsika is the head of research at Morgan & Co, and founder of piggybanka­ — batanai@piggybanka­ or +263 783 584 745.

ONE of the foundation­al principles in the theory of internatio­nal trade has to do with comparativ­e advantage. The law is popularly attributed to English political economist David Ricardo and his 1817 book, “On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation”.

It refers to an economy's ability to produce a particular good or service at a lower opportunit­y cost than its trading partners. There have been several discussion­s on the developmen­t of the African Continenta­l Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and how it could benefit developing nations such as Zimbabwe.

A common question has been on the key sectors that Zimbabwe should focus on and whether there is any comparativ­e advantage in sectors such as manufactur­ing.

Broadly speaking, the manufactur­ing sector in Zimbabwe has been adversely affected by:

• Constraine­d aggregate demand,

• Capital shortages; and

• Structural issues such as power disruption­s.

That said, authoritie­s expect the sector to rebound on (i) the gradual re-opening of the economy; and (ii) enhanced availabili­ty of foreign currency following the introducti­on of the foreign exchange auction system.

From a global perspectiv­e, countries that have a comparativ­e advantage in the manufactur­ing sector have invested heavily in technology growth and efficiency.

According to the World Robotics 2020 Industrial Robots Report, there was a total of 2,7 million industrial robots operating in factories around the world, representi­ng an increase of 12%.

The growth was driven by success stories of smart production and automation.

According to the Internatio­nal Federation of Robotics, the United States of America was ninth in the world in terms of robot density as of 2019 and third in terms of annual robots deployed, with 33 300. China deployed 140 500 the same year, Japan rolled out 49 900, and South Korea, which has a fraction of the USA’s GDP and population, deployed nearly as many at 27 900.

The USA is still second in terms of global manufactur­ing share, though, accounting for 16,6% of global output as of 2018, down from 29% in the early 1980s.

The benefits of increasing robot installati­ons include rapid production and delivery of products at competitiv­e prices. Automation also enables manufactur­ers to keep production in developed economies without sacrificin­g cost efficiency.

In a new world order that is characteri­sed by production processes, which are driven by robots, it is difficult to envision the future of a struggling Zimbabwean manufactur­ing sector that has been reeling under sub-optimal capacity utilisatio­n levels.

In fact, the sector remains littered with dogs and zombie companies that are stagnant and have moribund prospects, limited cashflows and low market share.

A major concern is that such companies are “uncompetit­ive survivors” and a barrier to productive growth given that the survival of weak companies contribute­s to lowering the average overall productivi­ty.

Such companies are detrimenta­l to the economy as they lock up capital and talent that should be available to more successful and dynamic companies in other sectors of the economy.

Piggy has previously cited Turnall Holdings as a good case-study.

While residentia­l housing in the country has proved to be resilient on the back of diaspora remittance­s, Turnall Holdings continues to face competitiv­e pressures.

There has been a growing preference for alternativ­e roofing materials that is lighter and cheaper amid high constructi­on costs. There is a similar substituti­on effect in its concrete piping products, which are losing market share to PVC pipes.

The company risks losing market share in the future considerin­g the changing preference­s to cheaper constructi­on materials being produced by new Chinese entrants that have garnered market share. The list does not end on Turnall Holdings alone.

General Beltings, MedTech and Zeco also face similar constraint­s.

In the outlook period, stock picking in this sector is of paramount importance given the current state of the economy.

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 ?? ?? Turnall faces stiff competitio­n from other manufactur­ers of cheap constructi­on material
Turnall faces stiff competitio­n from other manufactur­ers of cheap constructi­on material
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