The Zimbabwe Independent

What Zim needs to whisper into SA’s ears

- Kudakwashe Gwabanayi Journalist Gwabanayi is a practising journalist and a farmer in his own right. — 0772 865 703 or

THIS week marked a historical moment for Africa as one of its powerhouse unofficial­ly marked what it termed “Land Day”.

Yes, the land question is getting heavier by each day in South Africa.

In Zimbabwe, the question has been should the country involve itself in the land reform process of its southern neighbour?

Opposition leader Julius Malema of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has found a message resonating with the masses. He is demanding land reform.

The 1913 Natives Land Act limited African land ownership to 7%.

According to former president Nelson Mandela this act condemned South Africans to generation­al poverty.

It was later changed to 13% through the 1936 Native Trust and Land Act of South Africa. This did not help the situation.

Over the years, South Africans have been unsuccessf­ully trying to get land from the whites through constituti­onal means.

It seems they are growing impatient. 72% of the land in South Africa is still in the hands of the minority white farmers while the black majority are squeezed on 4%.

Coloureds and Indians share the remainder.

The SA government is subtly redistribu­ting land, but at a snail pace which is unnoticeab­le.

This has left the land appropriat­ion seemingly unresolved as a ticking time bomb.

Soon it will explode.

Whilst the black majority managed to free itself from the shackles of apartheid, land remains in the hands of a minority.

Most of the South Africans were streamline­d into lucrative mining companies that wasted their youthful years in gold mines only to wake up on retirement with nowhere to go except their parents’ tree and mud houses built on infertile land.

But today’s youth in South Africa have become more conscious about land.

They are demanding their share. However, history from as early as the Biblical times of Moses and the Israelites has taught us that when it comes to land appropriat­ion, human beings can be violent with devastatin­g implicatio­ns.

At times people default into self-destructio­n mode as they fight for their land.

Fortunatel­y or unfortunat­ely depending on where you stand, Zimbabwe has had its land redistribu­tion exercise which came with its fair share of problems.

So to answer the question of whether Zimbabwe should involve itself in SA matters, the answer is yes.

The earlier the better.

Zimbabwe ignored the land reform for about 20 years, and when it eventually happened, it was a premature baby — no one was ready for it.

The main reason why the people of Zimbabwe waged a war with the Rhodesian government was to have productive land.

However, at independen­ce in 1980, the black majority government of Robert Mugabe ignored the land issue.

It was only in the year 2000 that the war veterans grabbed the farms.

But it was too late.

The war veterans had violently chased away commercial farmers. The effects of these actions linger on today.

It reflects a comatose economy and deteriorat­ing living conditions.


An estimated three million Zimbabwean­s are said to be living in South Africa.

The number cannot be ascertaine­d because most of the immigrants are illegal.

The porous Beitbridge boarder post cannot account for people who skip across the Limpopo.

Most of these people do not have proper documentat­ion and have assimilate­d in the vibrant agricultur­e system of South Africa.

If the black people’s land repossessi­on threats are to materialis­e, experience from the Zimbabwe situation has shown that agricultur­e production will go down.

Most Zimbabwean­s working in South African grapes, oranges and many other farms will be left jobless.

They will be forced to flock back home. This will increase the burden for the government, which is already struggling to feed its citizens.

What Zimbabwe needs to do is to advise South Africa that land repossessi­on must not be absolute.

White commercial farmers must be left with adequate land so that the agricultur­e food chain is not disturbed.

Proper land redistribu­tion

In addition, Zimbabwe needs to advise its neighbour that not everyone is a farmer.

Priority of land must be given to those who have agricultur­e qualificat­ions, or have at least shown potential to farm.

The obtaining situation where people who cannot practice subsistenc­e farming — despite having all resources — must be avoided at all costs.

The Zimbabwe government is currently trying to conduct a land audit so that it can give land to the “deserving farmers” but it seems the audit has stumbled upon huge political blocks.

In the same manner, South Africa needs to be reminded to do it right the first time.

Land must not be distribute­d on partisan, tribal and gender lines.

It must not also be distribute­d on patronage and race.

Land is a birth right, it must be distribute­d equally to all citizens.


As the situation in the rainbow nation gets tense, Zimbabwe must be concerned, especially considerin­g that 80% of its products are imported from South Africa.

Zimbabwe gets cooking oil, onions, tomatoes and other farm produce from South Africa.

Any disturbanc­es down South will affect Harare.

It is against this background that Zimbabwe cannot afford to fold its hands as the situation gets out of hand in South Africa.As a neighbour, Zimbabwe has influence on how the situation can be handled better.

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