The Zimbabwe Independent

All you need to know about reference checks

- MEMORY NGUWI Nguwi is an occupation­al psychologi­st, data scientist, speaker and managing consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultant­s (Pvt) Ltd, a management and human resources consulting firm. https://www.thehumanca­pitalhub. com or e-mail: mnguwi@ipc

REFERENCE checks are a process which an employee’s background qualificat­ions are verified.

e purpose of the reference check is to verify and document the accuracy of the informatio­n gathered from the previous steps (interviews, CVs etc) in this process.

We must verify the accuracy of the informatio­n collected in the previous steps to avoid any potential liability for the employer.

A reference check is a method of checking the qualificat­ions and abilities of the candidate.

It is done to ensure that the candidate is qualified for the job.

It is a process of evaluating the records of a person or persons to validate the informatio­n.

Reference checks include verifying educationa­l credential­s, past employment in or history, references, informatio­n.

Reference checks can be time-consuming, but they are critical in the hiring process.

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the time spent on an average reference check is approximat­ely one hour.

e following are the benefits of reference checks:


decreases the chance of fraud; and and other relevant


decreases the chance of the applicant being hired for a position that they are not qualified for.

A reference check is done when employer seeks informatio­n about employee.

It is a process of verifying the qualificat­ions and abilities of the candidate. It is done to ensure that the candidate is qualified for the job.

It is a process of evaluating the records an an of a person informatio­n.

e company will contact the references provided by the candidate to verify that the informatio­n provided is accurate.

After the informatio­n is verified, the company will make sure that the references have no interest in the position being offered.

It is important that the references do not have any prior relationsh­ip with the company.

A job applicant will provide the names and contact informatio­n of four people they feel would be good references for the job.

e contact informatio­n would include the person’s name, work address, contact number, and email address.

A reference check report is a summary of the informatio­n provided by the references. It contains a summary of the reference’s knowledge about the applicant. It includes the informatio­n that the employer will use in the hiring decision.

While reference checks are important, the majority of them are not reliable. Job candidates often refer to people they know that would give them a good reference.

Research has shown that reference checks in the common way they are practised are unreliable at predicting employee performanc­e. Some put the reliabilit­y at less than 1%.

ere are more improved versions of the reference checks where the employer does not rely on the references provided by the job candidate.

Instead, they would subtly reach out to former employers, and sometimes openly. …ey do not do, though, reach out to the current employers for fear of souring the relationsh­ip between the employer and the job candidate.

When I look at how most of the reference checks are done, I feel they are a waste of time. It cannot be true that all the people looking for jobs are good performers and have good character.

I say so because they are predominan­tly academic exercises, as close to 90% of them give positive character and performanc­e references.

Should employers checks completely?

If employers would like to benefit from reference checks, they should do them properly.

I urge them to ignore the references listed by the job candidate and instead look for their contacts, which may have sufficient informatio­n about the candidate.

Other employers have started more detailed reference and background checks, including checking the social media footprint for character references.

While they are controvers­ial and most job candidates detest them, it is becoming common even in Zimbabwe.

I know of people who failed to get jobs because they posted obscenitie­s or divisive political messages on their social media handles.

Some are rejected messages that tend discrimina­tion.

To the employer, if you want to benefit from reference checks, do them well.

e job seeker should always maintain a profession­al record on and off work as this often haunts you in your job search.

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