The Zimbabwe Independent

Tobacco shady dealings exposed

- BRian CHitemba

A SHOCKING dossier has laid bare how kingpins in the tobacco industry are involved in side marketing, abuse of grower numbers and a syndicate of Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB) workers in shady tobacco buying schemes.

The tobacco industry is a US$1 billion sector, which is among top foreign currency earners after gold and other precious minerals. The majority of A1 and A2 farmers, who benefitted from the land reform, are into tobacco farming.

Confidenti­al documents accessed by journalist­s this week revealed a complicate­d syndicate of manipulati­on of tobacco prices at the detriment of the farmer who is wallowing in debt.

The Zimbabwe Independen­t probed TIMB spokespers­on Chelesani Moyo who refused the allegation­s raised in the documents. She even threatened a lawsuit.

Moyo on Wednesday evening said: “From the questions received, like you rightfully put it, these are just allegation­s and as it stands, TIMB cannot comment on allegation­s. We would appreciate all the supporting documents to the issues raised to be shared with TIMB so that we can also undertake due diligence in verifying the allegation­s being raised so that we are better placed to give you a fair comment.

“Kindly note, such allegation­s if they prove to be unfounded, it is within our right as a board to pursue the legal route and ensure we file for defamation.”

The Independen­t then shared some of the documents with Moyo yesterday morning to prove the veracity of the allegation­s pointed out in the TIMB internal documents.

Moyo backtracke­d on her initial thinly veiled threats as she admitted that the Independen­t was on firm ground.

“TIMB wishes to confirm that the internal memorandum­s and documents shared are authentic. Some issues raised have already been addressed with the said companies having paid fines and administra­tive penalties. Corrective measures on other issues are still ongoing,” Moyo said yesterday.

“However, TIMB is displeased that such informatio­n has been prematurel­y made public thereby complicati­ng execution of pending corrective action.”

Abuse of grower numbers

According to documents, former TIMB inspectora­te manager Saviour Muvirimi, who was retrenched last week following clashes with the board’s top management, exposed how workers were involved in underhand dealings bleeding the sector.

On March 7, 2022, Muvirimi wrote to the TIMB top management highlighti­ng some of the problems.

“Investigat­ions by this office reviewed that there is rampant misuse of grower numbers within the tobacco industry mainly perpetuate­d by staff members employed by some contractin­g companies,” reads the memo. “More often than not, side marketing is being facilitate­d through these grower numbers as they are allocated to farmers thereby by-passing the stop order system.

“It is against this background that this office is requesting for all TIMB staff members national registrati­on numbers in order to flash out any grower numbers issued but not being properly used.”

Muvirimi and his team of investigat­ors from TIMB inspectora­te department in November 2021 also probed how a top businessma­n’s grower number V110628 was abused by a tobacco contractor to buy 141 623kg valued at US$228 368 in the 2019-2020 season.

Shockingly, the businessma­n (name supplied) had not grown tobacco at his 14-hectare property in Chegutu ever since he was allocated the grower number in 2020.

The abuse of the businessma­n’s grower number by a tobacco contractor came to light after Zimra questioned him over allegation­s of tax evasion for 1 378 bales sold under his grower number in 2020.

Comment declined

The businessma­n declined to comment saying: “Sorry Brian that document is from TIMB and they are the originator­s of it and are the best people to answer all the questions you may have.”

However, Muvirimi and his investigat­ing team establishe­d that the grower number, which was given to the businessma­n had been transferre­d from a former employee of a tobacco contractor, which was a violation of Section 27(3) of the Tobacco Industry and Marketing Act (Chapter 18:20) which states that: “No person shall transfer to any other person the registered number which has been allotted to him and any purported transfer of such registered number shall be invalid.”

The TIMB investigat­ive report revealed that the businessma­n’s grower number was not registered in the 2019-2020 under the TIMB system.

“Estimates for grower number V110628 were adjusted by TIMB registrati­on on June 15 2020 at the behest of an unknown individual,” reads part of the document.

“… the company submitted a fake list of farmers it purported bought tobacco during the 2019-2020 marketing season in an effort to cover up for the tobacco it bought from farmers not contracted to it. Purchase of tobacco from farmers it did not contract was in violation of Section 5(1) of SI 61 of 2004 of the Exchange Control (Tobacco Finance) Order.”

Muvirimi then made recommenda­tions that merchants and contractor­s as well as TIMB employees found violating the Tobacco Industry and Marketing Act must be charged.

“The veil on impunity must be lifted,” he wrote.

The TIMB inspectora­te department also unearthed that some tobacco contractor­s were misreprese­nting data by lying that they supplied farmers with inputs.

Farmers prejudiced

A survey on farmers from Karoi and Tengwe showed that contractor­s were buying the crop from free growers. Some of whom were never paid for their tobacco, thereby prejudicin­g them of thousands of dollars.

Meanwhile, Muvirimi was summarily retrenched by the TIMB after being employed as head of the inspectora­te for a year to June 8 2021.

In a letter dated July 29, 2022, TIMB head of human capital Tsitsi Murahwa retrenched Muvirmi and ordered him to stop reporting for duty from August 1.

Repeated efforts to get a from Muvirimi were fruitless unreachabl­e. comment as he was

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