The Zimbabwe Independent

Reflection­s on current state of corruption in Zimbabwe

- Tafdzwa Chikumbu Developmen­t economist

IT IS now nine months after the global movement against Corruption, Transparen­cy Internatio­nal launched the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for 2021 and four months after the local chapter Transparen­cy Internatio­nal Zimbabwe (TIZ) launched the National Bribe Payers Index (NBPI).

Whereas the CPI scores and ranks countries based on how corrupt a country’s public sector is perceived to be by experts and business executives, the NBPI captures people’s perception­s and lived experience­s on corruption in their day to day interactio­ns with public sector institutio­ns in Zimbabwe.

The NBPI was themed on the dynamics of bribery within Zimbabwe's public sector. These two significan­t reports provide an overview of public sector corruption in Zimbabwe from both an insider and outsider perspectiv­e. The CPI and the NBPI, therefore, complement each other and should be considered jointly.

Where the CPI is concerned, it should be worrying for Zimbabwean­s to be reminded that Zimbabwe had a score of 23 out of 100. For clarity’s sake, on a scale of zero to one hundred (0-100) a country with a score of 0 is considered to be the most corrupt, and that with a score of 100 is regarded as clean or graft free.

The fact that Zimbabwe’s ranking is below the Sub-Saharan average of 33 out of 100; and that the score dropped by a point from 24 out of 100 in 2020, means that the fight against corruption should be given primacy on the national agenda. Indeed, the scourge of corruption has reached endemic levels in the country, leaving some observers to assert that it is now part of the “DNA” of our society.

Over and above the fancy indices used by corruption researcher­s above, the severity of corruption in Zimbabwe is best understood from a human rights perspectiv­e.

This idea was aptly captured in the 2021 CPI theme, which was corruption, human rights and democracy bringing focus on the human impacts of corruption.

The theme confirms that corruption disproport­ionately affects the poor, disenfranc­hised, marginalis­ed and vulnerable groups in society as resources destined for public service delivery are diverted for private gain.

Closely linked to this, the NBPI establishe­d that public sector corruption continues to undermine public service delivery and the attainment of basic human rights enshrined in the constituti­on.

The release of corruption research findings the world over continues to generate rigorous debate in a “clash of perspectiv­es” on the matter.

One recurring theme is the debate regarding the methodolog­ical framing of the CPI with some government officials challengin­g the use of perception­s rather than actual incidences in measuring corruption.

It is important to understand that corruption generally comprises illegal activities, which are therefore deliberate­ly hidden from public view — only coming to light through whistleblo­wing, investigat­ions or prosecutio­ns.

Whilst researcher­s from academia, civil society and government­s have made advances in terms of objectivel­y measuring corruption in specific sectors, to date there is no indicator which measures objective national levels of corruption directly and exhaustive­ly.

The sources and surveys, which make up the CPI, ask their respondent­s questions which are based on carefully designed and calibrated questionna­ires.

The CPI contains informed views of relevant stakeholde­rs, which generally correlate highly with objective indicators, such as citizen experience­s with bribery as captured by the Global Corruption Barometer (GPB) and the NBPI.

Despite the people’s views of the CPI, there is general consensus amongst state and non-state actors that there is rampant corruption in Zimbabwe.

Why else would the issue be put on the national agenda, with the President himself proclaimin­g the mantra of “zero tolerance to corruption”. Having said that, the question remains whether current interventi­ons have or are yielding any positive results.

There is no “mischief” in the focus on the public sector given its role as legitimate and designated custodian of public resources and provider of the related public goods and services.

The deprivatio­n of citizens’ right to health dealt a severe blow when Covid-19 ravaged all societies around the world.

The loss of lives from the pandemic was escalated mainly in those societies where corruption had already eaten into public coffers leaving the state unprepared; or where the opportunit­y to launch massive public health programmes in mitigation opened unpreceden­ted opportunit­ies for corrupt officials and service providers to line their pockets by exploiting loopholes in archaic public procuremen­t systems, compromisi­ng the response mechanisms.

This was not surprising given the scale of resources made available by multilater­al finance and aid institutio­ns, philanthro­pists and the private sector around the world.

Indeed, scandals like Draxgate occurred at different levels in countries around the world.

The inaction on the recommenda­tions of the Auditor-General’s report on the misuse and abuse of Covid-19 funds has eroded public trust on the oversight and anti-corruption institutio­ns.

Ongoing trends raise serious concern among observers over the commitment of public agencies charged with leading the anti-corruption fight, as well as the integrity of officials elected to oversight institutio­ns, and a few examples are noteworthy.

This year, a Commission­er of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc) and the Master of the High Court were charged on allegation­s of corruption.

On the other hand, there are serving members of parliament under investigat­ion on allegation­s of corruption. The case of Prisca Mupfumira and lately Mayor Wadyajena are examples, which have put the institutio­n of parliament into disrepute.

More recent is the approval of two transactio­ns involving the sale of laptops to the Parliament of Zimbabwe at highly inflated prices in circumstan­ces suggesting interferen­ce and compromisi­ng of public procuremen­t laws and regulation­s.

The slow pace in dealing with high profile corruption cases has further frustrated the public, leading to “catch and release” conundrum.

Some corruption cases have suspicious­ly been concluded whilst others have been dragging in courts for several years. Citizens deserve an explanatio­n and regular updates from the responsibl­e anti-corruption agencies.

Meanwhile, brave anti-corruption whistleblo­wers have been persecuted for raising public awareness over high-profile cases of corruption, whilst the perpetrato­rs are scot-free.

In the face of such daunting challenges, the role of citizens in the fight against corruption should not be overemphas­ised, and their protection from retributio­n must be prioritise­d and guaranteed.

Chikumbu is the current executive director of transparen­cy Internatio­nal Zimbabwe, which is part of a global movement against corruption. He is a developmen­t economist with several years of experience in developmen­t work with a bias towards anti-corruption, transparen­cy, accountabi­lity and integrity, public procuremen­t, domestic resource mobilisati­on, illicit financial flows, extractive industries, debt management, human rights-based approaches and participat­ory developmen­t.

 ?? ?? The case of Prisca Mupfumira (left) and lately Mayor Wadyajena are examples, which have put the institutio­n of parliament into disrepute.
The case of Prisca Mupfumira (left) and lately Mayor Wadyajena are examples, which have put the institutio­n of parliament into disrepute.
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