The Zimbabwe Independent

Implement cyber security reporting requiremen­ts

- Jacob Mutisi ICT EXPERT Mutisi is the CEO of Hansole Investment­s (Pvt) Ltd and the current chairperso­n of Zimbabwe Informatio­n & Communicat­ion Technology, a division of Zimbabwe Institutio­n for Engineers.

THE Security Exchange Commission of Zimbabwe (SecZim) should implement the Cybersecur­ity Reporting Requiremen­ts that are in line with the Cyber Security and Data Protection Bill. Zimbabwe has a relatively well-developed digital economy with nine financial institutio­ns listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE). With the introducti­on of the Cyber Security and the Data Protection Bill and the Act that is now law, it is now the duty of SecZim to protect the investors and shareholde­rs from possible cyberattac­ks and cybercrime­s. In the United States in March 2022, their Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed a set of rules and amendments that will bolster the financial sector’s defence against cyberattac­ks.

Zimbabwe does not have laws that require listed companies to report, disclose and publish any cybersecur­ity incidents at their institutio­ns. e aim is to disclose cybersecur­ity incidents to improve visibility into institutio­n’s risk management and governance policies to better inform investors and potential investors.

In the US , the March 2022 proposal, covers cybersecur­ity incident disclosure and would amend Form 8-K that require listed companies to notify investors, shareholde­rs and the USA SEC when an unschedule­d material event such as a data breach takes place within four days of material determinat­ion.

It is important to note that material determinat­ion as stated leaves the door wide open for the subjective interpreta­tion as to what is, and what is not, material for the purpose of disclosure. A form 8-K is a report of unschedule­d material events or corporate changes at a company that could be of importance to the investors, shareholde­rs or the SEC.

Also known as 8K, the report notifies the public of events, including acquisitio­ns, bankruptcy, the resignatio­n of directors, or changes in the fiscal year.

e second part of the US proposal requires that on a company’s form 10-K. e US federal securities laws require publicly reporting companies to disclose informatio­n on an ongoing basis. For example, domestic companies must submit annual reports on form 10-K, quarterly reports on form 10-Q, and current reports on Form 8-K for a number of specified events and must comply with a variety of other disclosure requiremen­ts. e annual report on form 10-K provides a comprehens­ive overview of the company's business and financial condition and includes audited financial statements.

Although similarly named, the annual report on form 10-K is distinct from the annual report to investors and shareholde­rs, which a company must send to its shareholde­rs when it holds an annual meeting to elect directors. e form 10-K would require them to include cybersecur­ity risk management and strategy, governance policies and procedures, management and the board of directors’ roles and responsibi­lities in implementi­ng and overseeing them, as well as an amendment on item 407 of regulation S-K to disclose the cybersecur­ity expertise, if any, of the company’s board members.

While the incident disclosure portion of the US SEC’s proposed rules has caught the most attention, the new reporting requiremen­ts on the board of directors’ role in cyber risk strategy is what could make the biggest impact long-term. Many companies lack knowledge, training and a clearly defined way to report their cybersecur­ity posture and subsequent cyber risk to their own boards.

And many boards do not see cyber risk as a part of the business strategy. Under the US SEC’s new annual reporting rules, cybersecur­ity is now mission — critical for senior executives and boards of directors. e opacity of cyber risk will no longer be acceptable. With Zimbabwe growing more digital and complex, so too are the current cybersecur­ity threats through cyber intrusion, denial of service attacks, manipulati­on, misuse by insiders and other cyber misconduct.

In Zimbabwe, aspects of cybersecur­ity are the responsibi­lities of multiple government agencies, including SecZim. Cybersecur­ity is also the responsibi­lity of every market participan­t. e Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) and SecZim should be committed to working with internatio­nal and local partners, market participan­ts and others to monitor developmen­ts and effectivel­y respond to cyber threats in Zimbabwe.

According to the “2021 Cyber Resilient Organisati­on Study” by the Ponemon Institute and IBM Security, only 26% of the US organisati­ons have cybersecur­ity incident response plans that are applied consistent­ly across the entire enterprise. e cyber breach notificati­on mandate gives companies just four business days to disclose a material event. at is not a lot of time, especially considerin­g resources are likely focused on containing and remediatin­g the breach. It is crucial that Zimbabwe’s SEC has to develop a working incident response plan in advance so that there are clear lines of roles and responsibi­lities between cybersecur­ity teams, disclosure committees and legal teams to ensure that Zimbabwe SEC requiremen­ts are met without derailing remediatio­n efforts. Tabletop exercises run at the board level are an effective way to pressure test a response plan and should be run at least once annually.For the last couple of years, it was the sole responsibi­lity of the chief informatio­n officer (CIO) or a chief technology officer (CTO) to translate technology risk to business risk for the board that is if they were lucky enough to get a seat at the table.

Now that management and the board of directors are required to report on their roles in assessing and managing cyber risks, they will be more hunger for data, metrics and visibility they need to align cybersecur­ity to business priorities. Institutio­ns need to close the communicat­ions gap between business unit leaders, CIOs, CTOs and boards of directors. A cybersecur­ity “lingua franca,” or shared language, is made through defining and agreeing on the reporting and measuremen­t criteria that reflect and align with the business objectives, internal policies and standards and external regulatory requiremen­ts.

Public (and private) companies should have internal cyber security structures and take this as an opportunit­y to evaluate the effectiven­ess of their current cyber reporting practices and procedures and determine where they excel, and where they fall short. It is about time that we get serious about addressing cyber risk and have ICT profession­als appointed to Zimbabwe’s listed companies’ boards and have the correct training structures to educate, equip and empower Zimbabwean boards to protect themselves from cyberattac­ks and cyber intrusions that have serious legal implicatio­ns on the chairs and their boards.

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