The Zimbabwe Independent

Building a Strong Cyber Security Foundation in the Workplace


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User Awareness Training: Building a Strong Cyber Security Foundation in the Workplace

It has become evident, without doubt, that a strong cybersecur­ity foundation is a must for any business no matter its size for it to have a chance of survival in this digital age. The use and implementa­tion of firewalls, virtual private networks (VPN), endpoint, cloud and applicatio­n security has shown that technologi­cal controls are not enough on their own. To build a much stronger cyber security foundation in the workplace, user awareness training is very important.

What is User Security Awareness Training?

User security training is the process of educating employees on the cyber security topography, the cyber security threats they will be exposed to and how well to deal with them through a variety of teaching methods. Security training will be aimed at providing staff with the necessary knowledge on how to identify and react to cyber threats and attacks. This will, in turn, help in reducing the attack surface area and mitigating any risk through building a great cyber security awareness culture. However, for this to happen all employees at every level in the organizati­on must be involved and receive the training as no one person is ever immune.

What Are Some of the Key Areas to Consider?

There are a lot of topics that can be considered when preparing for cyber security awareness training. Here are some of the most relevant ones:

1. 2. Working Remotely and Security at Home

The COVID-19 pandemic’s devastatin­g effects and the lockdowns introduced to try and deal with it brought about an increase in working from home. With remote work not likely to go away post the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s very important that organisati­ons include working remotely and security at home as an area of focus in their user awareness training. The cyber security landscape traditiona­lly limited to workplaces has shifted to people’s homes due to remote work, thus creating the need for staff to be educated on ways to protect themselves and the business while working remotely at home. Cloud security must also be emphasized upon as most business now use the cloud more and employees may end up accessing resources from the cloud whilst working remotely, making its security of paramount importance during remote work.

Social Engineerin­g and Phishing

It is important to have user training and awareness that covers social engineerin­g and phishing attacks. Malicious actors often use social

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engineerin­g and phishing to gain trust of victims to gain access to valuable personal informatio­n or even informatio­n about the organizati­on that could have devastatin­g effects if it gets in the hands of the wrong person. It is important for employees to cover the most common social engineerin­g and phishing attacks, how to identify them and what action to take when they encounter such.

Internet and Email Use

It is vital for user security awareness training to focus on responsibl­e internet and email usage. Employees need to be aware of the risks and threats associated with the use of the internet and how to best deal with them. Employees must be educated only to accept emails from credible sources, how to identify credible emails, how to spot odd looking emails and how to identify malicious email links.

Authentica­tion and Passwords

User security awareness training must also focus on educating employees about the use of strong, easy to remember but not easily guessable passwords. It needs to teach employees on ways to come up with these secure passwords, common bad password habits, password reuse and use of guessable or easily recognizab­le password patterns. Focus must also be put on common password attacks and how they can be avoided, use of multi factor authentica­tion and password managers.

Physical Security

Physical security is one topic that must be covered during user security awareness training. It’s vital for employees to understand that sensitive physical documents must always be secured, they must not leave their belongings unattended, laptops must be secured and always shutdown or locked every time they leave their workstatio­ns even for a few seconds. Identity cards must always be always secured together with removable media that could possibly contain sensitive company informatio­n.

Social Media Use

It is also vital that user security awareness training covers good social media use. Often employees give out a lot of informatio­n on social media that can be used to launch an attack. Employees must be educated on how to stay safe online, what informatio­n not to give on social media and how to use privacy settings provided for by the different social media platforms they use effectivel­y.

Mobile Device Security

Ongoing advancemen­ts in technology have made it possible to work on the go using your mobile device thus creating a need for user security awareness training to also focus on mobile device security. It is important that employees know how to better protect their mobile devices, both company owned and personal.

Some of the Key Methods to Deliver Awareness

• Video lectures

• Presentati­ons

• Posters and newsletter­s

• Simulation­s and gamifying learning

• Instructor led training etc

With this said, it is important for user awareness training to be planned and prepared in such a manner that it targets all employee groups from the most vulnerable to the least vulnerable. People get complacent at times due to their busy schedules meaning user awareness and training should be an ongoing thing to help safeguard the organizati­on’s cyber environmen­t.

Always remember to share cyber security news, incidents, and statistics, carry out social engineerin­g and phishing simulation­s and tracking and reporting on training success whilst adjusting based on results to increase efficiency and effectiven­ess.

To find out more contact Nigel Chasiya, Cybersecur­ity Consultant on: Email: or eymarketin­

Address: Angwa City Building, Corner Julius Nyerere Way/ Kwame Nkrumah Avenue. P O Box 62, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Tel: +263 4 750905/ 750979

This article was compiled by EY as a source of general informatio­n and notificati­on and should not be construed as a formal profession­al/legal opinion. Although reasonable skill and care is taken when providing informatio­n, EY offer no warranties or representa­tions as to the informatio­n’s accuracy. The informatio­n provided is not intended to replace the need for an expert/ legal opinion on interpreta­tion, applicatio­n and consequenc­es of the relevant legal, technical or regulatory provisions. E Y does not accept responsibi­lity for any loss or damage you or any third party may suffer as a result of utilising the informatio­n provided.

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Nigel Chasiya
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Credit: CSO Online

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