The Zimbabwe Independent

Fiscal pressures set to get worse in 2023


TO understand the challenges to debt sustainabi­lity and financial market developmen­t posed by Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine, FSDA recently completed a study of the experience of five case-study countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa

Chronic fiscal and current account imbalances had arisen well before the Covid-19 pandemic, already severely hampering the ability of country authoritie­s to respond to unexpected shocks.

Counter-cyclical fiscal measures in response to Covid-19 then led to the accumulati­on of even higher levels of public debt.

Even though all countries are exposed to liquidity and solvency risks, debt simulation­s show that the most important risk to be monitored is the risk of external debt distress.

e availabili­ty of foreign exchange required to fund current account deficits and the servicing of external debt is constraine­d by low public sector revenues and large trade deficits.

Prospects for alleviatin­g such liquidity pressures in the short to medium term are limited, as they depend on structural changes aimed at reducing current account deficits.

Indeed, it is anticipate­d that these pressures will become even more acute in 2022/2023 due to rising interest rates on external borrowing.

With the tightening of credit markets worldwide and yields at historical­ly high levels, Ghana, Kenya and Ethiopia are particular­ly exposed, as they face sizable refinancin­g risks on their Euro-borrowing.

Nigeria and South Africa are in a less precarious situation than the other three countries.

Nigeria entered the Covid-19 crisis with a lower level of public debt while South Africa’s deep domestic financial market makes it possible to absorb higher levels of public debt.

However, even with its more developed taxation system, South Africa is also exposed to liquidity risk, as reliance on foreign portfolio investment in domestic government debt exposes South Africa to risk, due to the ‘vagaries’ of foreign portfolio investors.

In responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, government­s adopted a combinatio­n of policy responses to mitigate the negative impact of increased government borrowing:


Reducing policy interest rates,

bank purchases of long-term government bonds and sale of shortterm securities (quantitati­ve easing) in Ghana and South Africa,

Drawing on central bank overdraft facilities or financing government expenses by issuing securities directly to the central bank (debt monetisati­on) in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Ghana; and Relying on financial repression measures, such as foreign exchange controls, payment of negative real interest rates on government securities, and the imposition of investment requiremen­ts on banks and institutio­nal investors in Ethiopia and Nigeria.

Increased domestic borrowing Since it is very unlikely that government­s will implement required fiscal consolidat­ion measures in the near term, it is expected they will need to resort to increased domestic borrowing, and under current macroecono­mic circumstan­ces, increased reliance on government debt issuance is likely to put upward pressure on the yield of government securities, thereby crowding out the supply of credit to the private sector.

Under these circumstan­ces policies designed to increase the absorptive capacity of domestic securities, and markets have an important role to play.

Debt managers can contribute to this process by ensuring that debt instrument­s are best tailored to the needs of the domestic and external investor base.

It is in this context that it is important that countries, such as Nigeria and Ethiopia, cease central bank financing of government deficits.

Equally important is that domestic money and primary markets have sufficient depth to absorb liquidity shocks as well as the issuance of large volumes of government securities on the primary market.

e more debt issuance by the government is tailored to meeting the needs of a diversifie­d institutio­nal investor base — both the needs of domestic investors and foreign portfolio investors buying domestic securities the needs of foreign investors buying securities issued by the government externally (on the Euro-market) — the more government debt financing costs will be shielded from sudden changes in market sentiment.

Nonetheles­s, the deepening of domestic financial markets presents risks and challenges.

Not only will the authoritie­s need to demonstrat­e their commitment to market-conform policies — aborting policies such as financial repression and excessive monetary financing — but they will also need to prioritise the management of public debt with a view to fostering market developmen­t and minimising crowding out that reduces the availabili­ty and raises the cost of private sector credit.

ere is evidence that, in the short term, increasing the supply of government securities tends to put upward pressure on the sovereign yield curve, thereby raising the cost of borrowing both to the government and the private sector.

Increases in the sovereign credit risk premium will also tend to raise the cost of capital for private issuers.

It is in this context that it is important that countries, such as Nigeria and Ethiopia, cease central bank financing of government deficits both to lessen inflationa­ry pressures and to re-confirm commitment to the primary mandate of central banks in controllin­g inflation.

Even though financial repressive policies, such as requiring investors (banks and institutio­nal investors) to purchase government securities used in Ethiopia and exchange controls as relied upon by Nigeria and Ethiopia may curb the growth of public debt in the short term, they discourage the formation of savings and encourage financial disinterme­diation in the medium term.

By lessening market responses or introducin­g market distortion­s, repressive financial policies reduce immediate responses to shocks in terms of market signals, but at the cost of reducing confidence in market-based finance.

Over time, such distortion­s undermine the role of financial markets in allocating scarce resources to their optimal uses and may be difficult to unravel, as they are associated with opportunit­ies for rentseekin­g Short-term tension.

Nonetheles­s, in making these recommenda­tions, it is important to recognise that adoption of policies designed to support market developmen­t will give rise to tradeoffs. In the short term, there are tensions between the gains associated with market developmen­t and fiscal costs and risks.

Policies like discontinu­ing financial repression and refraining from monetary financing while supportive of the financial market developmen­t will oblige the government­s to find alternativ­e funding sources.

Such short-term costs may hamper the authoritie­s’ willingnes­s to implement policy reforms, even when the benefits associated with fostering financial market developmen­t, particular­ly in terms of enhancing the sustainabi­lity of the government’s debt, substantia­lly outweigh the costs in the medium to longer term. Implementi­ng the conditiona­lities associated with debt relief negotiatio­ns more effectivel­y than in the past will be important.

In addition, authoritie­s may be hesitant to undertake the transition towards more market-conform financing of their fiscal deficits, as the transition will inevitably raise awareness, transparen­cy, and accountabi­lity regarding their funding.

Going forward, implementi­ng the conditiona­lities associated with debt relief negotiatio­ns more effectivel­y than in the past will be important in avoiding a situation where the benefits of debt relief once again only remain temporary.

Anticipate­d external debt levels pose a threat to debt sustainabi­lity in four casestudy countries, and in the case of South Africa, foreign portfolio investment poses a risk to macroecono­mic stability

Short-lived efforts Previous attempts to ease the adjustment process and at the same time provide the opportunit­y for market developmen­t have involved debt relief and increased access to external concession­al financing.

Such debt relief efforts have been accompanie­d by conditiona­lities designed to put countries on a path of fiscal consolidat­ion and stabilisat­ion of their external debt positions aimed at ensuring debt sustainabi­lity in the future. However, as documented in this paper, the outcomes of efforts to avoid future debt accumulati­on and the dangers to debt sustainabi­lity were short-lived. Although well-intentione­d, these efforts failed to resolve macroecono­mic imbalances, and countries were ill-prepared to meet recent shocks. — Africa Report Magazine.

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