The Zimbabwe Independent

Zim, Bots in fresh border deadlock


CRUCIAL deliberati­ons held during last month’s Zimbabwe-botswana Bi-national Commission (BNC) to resolve a protracted border dispute ended in deadlock, the Zimbabwe Independen­t can reveal.

The misunderst­anding flared up after the two countries haggled over the correct positionin­g of a border beacon code-named BB-842. During a routine border verificati­on exercise conducted last year, Botswana said the beacon was wrongly positioned.

But Zimbabwe has maintained its stance that based on the position of the beacon, the US$299,3 million Kazungula Bridge encroached into its territory.

The bridge, which runs across the Zambezi River, was constructe­d by Botswana and Zambia at a position where the three countries share borders. A series of highlevel meetings held last year had also failed to resolve the impasse.

Lands, Agricultur­e, Fisheries, Water and Rural Developmen­t minister Anxious Masuka held a meeting with Botswana’s Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services minister Kefentse Mzwinila.

Masuka met Mzwinila in the presence of surveyor-general Edwin Guvaza at Kazungula in December to address the matter.

The Independen­t understand­s that the border issue took centre stage during deliberati­ons held under the fourth session of the BNC last month.

Prior to commenceme­nt of BNC deliberati­ons, President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Botswana’s Head of State, Mokgweetsi Masisi held private talks.

Guvaza said this week that after the BNC, which was presided over by Mnangagwa and Masisi, the border squabble remained a “pending issue”.

“It is being resolved,” Guvaza said. “Remember there was the Bi-national Commission between Botswana and Zimbabwe recently as part of resolving the issue. This is a pending issue. You will know the end result. It is work in progress. It will be resolved.”

Guvaza referred other inquiries to the Ministry of Lands, Agricultur­e, Fisheries, Water and Rural Developmen­t.

The Independen­t wanted to understand the impact of the border dispute in the context of regional integratio­n.

Questions posed to the Lands, Agricultur­e, Fisheries, Water and Rural Developmen­t permanent secretary Obert Jiri were referred to Guvaza.

“Good afternoon. Contact the surveyor general,” Jiri said.

This publicatio­n, as part of its running investigat­ion, sought to understand the dynamics underpinni­ng the utilisatio­n of the Kazungula Bridge and how it was being administer­ed in terms of revenue collection from users.

It has become a crucial trade corridor in the region.

The fourth session of the BNC, among other objectives was meant to explore ways on furthering Harare and Gaborone’s cooperatio­n in various areas of mutual interest, including trade, security, investment and regional developmen­t.

During last month’s bilateral meeting, Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade minister Fredrick Shava said it was imperative for both countries to expedite efforts towards signing agreements on all outstandin­g issues.

“These candid discussion­s have afforded us the opportunit­y to attend to issues of implementa­tion on all outstandin­g decisions in the various areas of our cooperatio­n,” Shava was quoted saying.

“This has laid a solid foundation for the forthcomin­g deliberati­ons between our Heads of State.”

Zimbabwe and Botswana, which share a border that stretches 841 kilometres from the tripoint with Zambia in the northwest, to the tripoint with South Africa in the southeast have struggled to curtail rampant livestock rustling that has affected farmers from both sides.

Last year, sources close to the vortex of the border dispute told this publicatio­n that: “Zimbabwe has made a strong case that the Kazungula bridge overlapped into its territory”.

“Botswana, based on its position that beacon BB842 is in the wrong position, refutes Zimbabwe’s claims,” a source knowledgea­ble of last year’s meetings between high-ranking officials from the two countries said.

On May 10 2021, Zambia’s president at the time, Edgar Lungu and Masisi commission­ed the 923-metre Kazungula Bridge, which was partly financed from loans extended by the African Developmen­t Bank (AFDB), the Japanese Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n Agency (Jica) and the Eu-africa Infrastruc­ture Trust Fund.

The bridge, with two border facilities, is primarily meant to boost trade between both countries. According to the African Developmen­t Bank, it is also meant to enhance “transport along the North-south Corridor, and indeed the Trans-african Highway on the Cape to Cairo route”.

“The bridge also provides impetus to the recently launched African Continenta­l Free Trade Area. The new Kazungula Bridge will be jointly owned by the government­s of Zambia and Botswana and funded by toll fees,” a summary of the multi-milliondol­lar infrastruc­ture project posted on the AFDB website on May 18, 2021 reads.

“The border post and access roads in each country will be owned by the respective government­s, along with the newly formed Kazungula Bridge Authority.

“The entity will be responsibl­e for operating and maintenanc­e of the entire infrastruc­ture.”

Mnangagwa, who also attended the unveiling of the bridge two years ago among other regional leaders, was quoted by State media suggesting that Botswana and Zambia had invited Zimbabwe to be a partner in the project.

Harare’s relations with Gaborone, which have largely been cordial, turned frosty around 2008 when Botswana’s former president Ian Khama openly criticised Zimbabwe’s late former leader Robert Mugabe’s rule.

 ?? ?? Lands, Agricultur­e, Fisheries, Water and Rural Developmen­t minister Anxious Masuka
Lands, Agricultur­e, Fisheries, Water and Rural Developmen­t minister Anxious Masuka

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