The Zimbabwe Independent

Global Money Week: Exploring crowdfundi­ng

- Rufaro Hozheri analyst

THE Global Money Week is a campaign that aims to improve financial literacy amongst young people. This year’s edition is running under the theme, protect your money, secure your future and I decided to explore the concept of crowdfundi­ng and its applicabil­ity in the Zimbabwean context.

The concept of crowdfundi­ng is seemingly simple, yet ground-breaking, and globally billions of dollars have been raised utilising this framework. Over US$35 billion has been raised in the past 15 years on GoFundme and Kickstarte­r alone, two of the biggest crowdfundi­ng platforms.

Crowdfundi­ng is whereby multiple investors contribute towards the financing of an idea, a project or a company usually facilitate­d by utilising a technologi­cal platform.

The contributi­ons or investment­s by individual­s might not be significan­t, but collective­ly pooling the resources then makes a huge impact.

Usually, participan­ts in a crowdfundi­ng venture have a motive, which is more than just profit and belief in the project that they deploy resources.

Projects like building a school or hospital in a remote village usually manage to attract donations if the story is well-curated and convincing enough.

There is typically an influentia­l figure in such campaigns, who persuades or motivates the crowd to deploy resources into the crowdfundi­ng venture.

Broadly speaking, there are three types of crowdfundi­ng ventures i.e. debt-based, equity-based and donation-based crowdsourc­ing.

We have briefly touched on the donation-based one but for entreprene­urs and start-ups the focus is mainly on the debt or loan-based and the equity or reward-based based.

The loan-based structure is pretty straightfo­rward, as the contributo­rs in the crowdfundi­ng campaign expect a promised return on the idea or project and pretty much follow investment­s in your typical fixed-income instrument­s.

Usually, companies that have cashflows that are able to sustain paying the interest on loans also have alternativ­e ways to raise funding, which is why the loan-based structure is not very prevalent.

The equity-based is more common and generally suits the startups or ideas that might be pre-revenue. It is also associated with greater risk and return characteri­stics and this article will focus mainly on that type of crowdfundi­ng and explore if it works out in Zimbabwe.

Currently, in Zimbabwe, crowdfundi­ng is not regulated under the Collective Investment Schemes Act, but one would imagine that would be its perfect fit. Collect investment­s employ the same concept as crowdfundi­ng, which is pooling resources into a specific investment.

However, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe under the Fintech Regulatory Sandbox in 2021 listed equity crowdfundi­ng under the innovation­s eligible to be monitored.

Ever since platforms like Lloyd Crowdfundi­ng have emerged. This platform is available in Zimbabwe and is for equity crowdfundi­ng.

It is open for SMES looking to raise funding and investors can put from US$1 000 to US$500 000. There is a US$200 applicatio­n fee plus a 1% custodian fee and a 2% deposit fee for loan projects.

However, based on the website of the platform, there seems to be little appetite from the public to fund the projects.

There are some listed investment opportunit­ies, some of which are actually approachin­g their deadline but with very little investment.

This gets one asking whether crowdfundi­ng actually works.

The success story regarding crowdfundi­ng relates to Nhimbe Farm, in Mashonalan­d East.

In 2021 through the help of The Sun Exchange, which is a South African company in the solar space, Nhimbe Farm in Marondera managed to raise Us$1,4million for its solar projects using crowdsourc­ing platforms for a 510kw solar project.

However, not many companies and projects have been able to replicate this, especially without external support.

We have gathered that to launch a successful crowdfundi­ng campaign, regardless of which type, the cause must be very clear.

This is made possible by crafting a very coherent story that satisfies people to participat­e in crowdfundi­ng, and this might include articulati­ng the vision and pictorial simulation­s of what you are trying to achieve.

In addition, it will also be critical to have a targeted marketing campaign.

Although the idea behind crowdfundi­ng is to pool resources from many small participan­ts, it is also important to have a targeted market that contribute­s a significan­t portion of the required money before the public jumps on, and in many cases, this then lures the public to get on.

This reduces the probabilit­y of failure of the project should it fail to raise the minimum crowdfundi­ng required.

Surprising­ly enough in Zimbabwe, multiple cases of scams in the form of pyramid schemes have been recorded and at the same time, crowdfundi­ng failed to pool the resources.

The two are comparable except for the fact that crowdfundi­ng has genuine intent whereas pyramid schemes are created in a way that they will eventually collapse.

Perhaps the key lesson from why pyramid schemes are successful is to do with their marketing and outreach and pyramid schemes were helped by peer-to-peer marketing.

A successful equity crowdfundi­ng also needs to simplify the technical jargon as much as possible, such that their story is clear to everyone.

The platform on which the crowdsourc­ing campaign will be housed on, is very critical in determinin­g whether the campaign is successful or not.

A platform that is known and has many registered participan­ts has higher chances as opposed to new platforms that are still to be known.

Zimbabwe is a bit behind in attracting meaningful capital through crowdfundi­ng, but it does not mean that it is impossible.

A concerted effort from the private players and regulators regarding awareness and education will go a long way in creating a conducive environmen­t for crowdfundi­ng.

Hozheri is an investment analyst with an interest in sharing opinions on capital markets performanc­e, the economy and internatio­nal trade, among other areas. He holds a B. Com in Finance and is progressin­g well with the CFA programme. — 0784 707 653 and Rufaro Hozheri is his username for all social media platforms.

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